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China's Economic Infrastructure Investment And Financing System Reform In Government Functions Innovation

Posted on:2005-06-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360122991794Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Infrastructure is called as "Social Overhead Capital" by the economists. It has such characteristics that there is a certain degree of massive economic and "Interest Spillover From the Users and Nonusers" etc. As a kind of public goods, it also has such an economic attribute of non-competitiveness and non-exclusion, whose basic characteristics are always followed by patent and a great deal of massive economic, large initial investment and fewer running capital in contrast. Most of them are natural monopoly and have important influences on GDP and the interal level of civil market prices, which have so many features as it always directly affects the wealfare of residents and so on.How to portray an efficient government whose functions are limited and equitable in our reformation of infrastructure invest-finance system, how to boost the reformation of infrastructure invest-finance system through reform the functions of our government and based on which to accomplish the innovations in the functions of our government, these are the nuclear thing that I am always pondering and this article trys to study.This article has been consisted of the following four parts: the perface, the three chapters from the first one to the third one. The main content of each part are told as:The perface is mainly to represent the writing background and the themes studied in this article. Nowadays the competition of synthetical national power has been a important facet of international economic competition.The infrastructure has taken a very important status in the competition of synthetical national power.The west countries also have put it to the first station to develop economic and their expriences have been far spectacular too and have been one of the most important impetuses, which haul the economic to make rapid progress. But the actulity of ourinfrastructure has been the "bottleneck" to impede economic development.The first chapter is to narrate the basic theories in the infrastructure field and analyze its position in economic development. I have defined the basic concepts including infrastructure, public goods, pure public goods and so on. It has told the history of our infrastructure invest-fmance, represented the status of infrastructure in the national economic development and the meaning of this article. In this chapter the article has narrated that the limitations of our infrastructure invest-fmance system are the followings : the responsibility, right and interest have been not uniform, the fund to infrastructure are limited and not enough while it is accompanied with the a great deal of waste in this field and unnecessarily repeated constructions and so on.The second chapter has represented the charateristic and limitation of our present infrastructure invest-fmance system. The traditional position of our government functions in infrastructure field and its challeges faced of government roles then have been told, before it narrated the international experiences in this field. The article also concider that the level of our infrastructure development and degree of our infrastructure completement are mainly decided by the amount of input in infrastructure field. The one of key elements to confine the development of our infrastructure is wheather the ways or patters are efficent to invest infrastructure and attract capitals to invest to the infrastructure field. So that how to adjust and reform our government functions in the infrastructure field while to promote the efficiency and benefit ,has been one of the nuclear things that has affected the reformation of government functions in infrastructure invest-finance system.The last chapter can be devided to four little sections. The former two sections mainly analyzed the practical route-choice in the reformations of infrastructure invest-finance system and the basic damands to adjust or innovate the government functions in the reformations of infrastructure field. Then the article has given us concrete and useful suggestions to accomplish the innovation...
Keywords/Search Tags:government function, infrastructure, the invest-finance syetem, reformation, innovation
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