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Existing Agricultural Land Property Rights System Reform Study

Posted on:2006-09-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M L GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360155459797Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The farmland real estate right system is the core of the rural economic system, it can't be avoided to solve the problem of " three agricultural ". Whether the ones that arranged in this system succeed or not, it not merely involved whether the rural land could be used abundantly and rationally, concerned the development in an all-round way of the rural economy, but have very important function on the stability of the whole society and realization of building awell-off society in an all-round way.China's current farmland real estate right system goes through four stages so far: Land reform —Elementary cooperative society of agriculture —Advanced cooperative and people's commune —Household contract responsibility system. It has reflected the hardships in the road to agricultural modernization of our country. We found the family contract road, which is under collective own ship, and relatively suitable for the China's actual conditions at that time from publicly-owned and privately owned circulation after paying sizable cost. We can say this is a kind of system innovation; but this is only a respect of the question. Another respect, as system innovation of specific historical stage, farmland family contract responsibility system is set up and promoted mainly by the strength of peasantry from bottom to top. Because lockage of ripe theory preparing and systematic system design, the ones that have been destined to no perfect. With the development thoroughly of the market economic system reform, the farmland household contract responsibility system exposes a great deal of questions day by day, mainly showed in the following aspects: First, the omission of ownership's subject in the current farmland system. Second, the peasant's land contract right is unstable. The third, the farmland circulation system is imperfect. The forth, the current farmland commandeers system is unreasonable.At present, In some areas where two and three industries are developed, the drawback which exists in our country farmland real estate right system influences the stability and development of agriculture and countryside, so We must perfect it with development on the foundation of adhering to the current agricultural real estate right system, that is the household contract responsibility system. So, strengthen the study on farmland real estate right system and analyze the question existed in the farmland system of our country at present, propose the goal, basic thoughts and suggestion of the system reform for the future, and structure the farmland system innovation mode which accord with the market economical operation law, all that haveimportant meanings to accelerate the circulating of farmland management power, realize the appropriate scale operation of the farmland, improve the disposition efficiency of farmland resources, realize its abundant rational effective use, implement the sustainable development strategy of agriculture and national economy, etc.This thesis regards China's current farmland real estate right system as the research object, as the thread with the relations between ownership and management of the rural land, with rural economy development level (include rural productivity development level and rural industrialization, urbanization level) and the bear ability of peasant as the basis, in order to promote the circulation of farmland right, guarantees the sustainable utilization of the farmland resources as the purpose, combine history and economics, with the view of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, review and summarize the main developing stage of our country rural farmland system after establishing new China at first, have a thought thoroughly, expect to offer some reference to the innovation of the rural land system, Secondly, analyze the profit and fraud of China's countryside current agricultural real estate right system, propose the imagination of reforming to China's countryside current agricultural real estate right system again, analyze the value and meaning of implementing farmland share cooperation finally.On the basis of grasping the generous full and accurate materials both at home and abroad, This text proceed from actual conditions in the countryside of China, and fully analyze the rural land system in an all-round way, put forward one's own views: According to the relations of production must meet the principle of the development level of productivity and demand for the setting-up of the socialist market economy system, combine the realistic national conditions of our country and peasants' accepting degree, especially it is a big country, with a large agricultural population, the society is at undeveloped stage for a long time, economy develops the extremely uneven state, so the trend of our country's future farmland system should not be limited to a certain regular mode, and should be diversified, avoid " making it rigidly uniform ".It is believed, the most areas economically under-developed should be continued insisting and perfecting family's contracted responsibility system now, but the land private ownership of peasants can resume after land reform in the specific area; to the developed area, according to peasants' voluntary, try and popularize farmland share cooperation, but the specific area can adhere to all already existing collective's systems. Here, this text focuses on family's contracting the research of the system and share cooperation.Farmland share cooperation is the system innovation with fundamental significance, it is the development of the household contract responsibility system, the creative return of the share cooperation of elementary cooperative in the 'fifties too. At the same time, it reflected Marx' ideal of implementing the " personal ownership "in future society too. We believe firmly farmland share cooperation lead agricultural production forward on the road which is intensify, commercialize, run an enterprise on commercial, realizing the second leap developed in countryside. It will advance the transformation of the surplus rural labor force and countryside to take the road to non-agricultural, urbanization too.
Keywords/Search Tags:China's current farmland real estate right system, reform, farmland share, cooperation
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