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Organized Crime And Its Prevention And Punishment In China

Posted on:2006-04-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D LiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Every country in the world is impacted and harassed by various crimes in different degrees, especially organized crimes. Except a few countries, in most of the countries, organized crime is getting severe, and becoming one of the most serious social problems that every country is going through and at the same time, it is becoming transnational crimes.There are different definitions of organized crime in different countries. In this thesis, it is defined as "crimes committed by an organization formed by three or above individuals with purposes of illegal interests, by the means of violence, threats or other kinds." This definition is in accordance with law practice as well as the definition in "U.N. Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime".This thesis is in agreement of the viewpoint of dividing organized crimes into three categories, crime groups, mafia-style groups and mafia. Currently in China, there are no typical mafia organizations, nevertheless, mafia-style organized crime is a very obvious and severe social phenomenon, which the government is making great efforts to resolve.Organized crime is a synthesis of various negative conflicts in the development of a civilized society. It is not a simple or isolated social phenomenon, but a special and complicated social phenomenon produced by complex interaction of many factors that are connected and interact with one another. This thesis analyzed the causes of organized crimes in the aspects of society, economy, culture and psychology.This thesis also analyzed the actuality and characteristics of mafia-style organized crimes currently in China as well as characteristics of "money laundering crime" and the actuality of anti-money laundering legislation. The thesis also proposes countermeasures to stop this kind of crimes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Prevention
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