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Professional Sports Leagues, A Number Of Legal Research

Posted on:2007-12-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360182991340Subject:Economic Law
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The fast development of sports industries is an inevitable phenomenon of prevailing economic development. Against the background of acceleration of professionalization reform in sports industries and 2008 Olympic Games to be held, it is worthwhile that more attention be drawn on this issue. Based on my research, there are many problems to solve throughout the development of professional sports league in China when compared to that of western developed countries. More discussions and guidance shall be applied to the practice of reform in theory. From this point of view, the author of this essay has reviewed the best pattern for development of professional sports industries in western developed countries– Professional Sports League System. Summarizing the merits, especially those advanced experiences on the frame of the legal environment, and referring to the actual situation in our country, this essay has tried to point out a feasible way to follow for the deep reform in professional sports industries from the angle of the law researches.We have come to following basic conclusions through the comprehensive researches on literature materials, comparative analysis, case study, logistic inductions, etc.Professional Sports League is a professional organization based on the games held by the united professional sports clubs. It is an organization and pattern of operation as well. It differs from normal enterprises for the unique features of sports games. It has its own particular purposes, investments, competitions, marketing, promotion & regulation mechanism, and it looks more like a monopoly origination"Cartel". Its most superior characteristics satisfy the special requirements of the sports competition to the maximum extent, enable better coordination among different parties, help to avoid vicious competition and help to maximize the profit. Meanwhile, it also establishes the reasonable & workable patterns of league matches management and profit allocation for investors of the professional sports industries. It clearly definites the responsibilities and rights.There are still many problems in the prevailing reform of the professional sports industries. Macroscopically, the management system of the sports league is not quite reasonable. Monomial sports associations with dense administrative power have predominated too many management rights while the actual investors of the sports...
Keywords/Search Tags:Professional sports league, Legal issues
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