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On The Mechanism Of Supervision Of Abstract Administrative Behavior In Our Country

Posted on:2007-04-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H B ZhangFull Text:PDF
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As my long-standing legal system is not perfect, to the executive administration at all levels need to develop a lot of abstract administrative acts. It remedy the lag and lack of legal provisions to enhance the operability of the law has played a very important role. But as the executive administration exists to varying degrees in the departments of local interests or the interests of the executive acts of violations in recent years abstract upward trend. Executive often abuse their power to formulate abstract administrative act randomly expanding its sphere of competence, administrative violations of the legitimate rights and interests of people relative. This serious damage to the executive's image and prestige among the masses and increase the administrative areas of social contradictions, is very unfavorable for the establishment of a socialist harmonious society. And our administrative review system will be part of the abstract administrative act only in the scope of the administrative review, administrative litigation is entirely in the abstract exclude judicial review of administrative acts, and lack of oversight bodies right operability. This makes many of the abstract administrative act promptly to correct the serious impact on our country's process of administering the country according to law. The ban from abstract administrative acts with the basic theory, abstract analysis of the phenomenon of illegal administrative acts and the deep-seated causes of this abstract administrative act my oversight mechanisms shortcomings, from other countries to abstract administrative acts monitoring mechanisms to make their own development and improve our abstract administrative acts oversight mechanisms. I believe that under the current legal status of a single way to solve our current oversight of administrative acts abstract problems. My abstract administrative acts oversight mechanisms should be further strengthened authority supervision operability, and give full play to the supervision within the administrative system, and actively and steadily part of the abstract review of administrative acts in administrative proceedings.The use of a combination of theoretical research and empirical research, macroeconomic analysis and micro-analysis of the combination of vertical and horizontal analysis of the method of combining analysis of the monitoring mechanism abstract administrative acts made more comprehensive, systematic analysis. The basic framework paper is divided into four sections.
Keywords/Search Tags:abstract administrative acts, oversight mechanisms, legislative oversight, administrative oversight, judicial supervision
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