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Intellectual Property Benefit-sharing Of Genetic Resources Research

Posted on:2007-07-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J MaFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The human society has entered the gene time, With the advent of genetic engineering and the development of biotechnology people have ameliorated the characteristics and qualities of plants and animals by utilizing genetic resources to improve the major situations concerning food, human health and environment in the 21st century and brought a bright future. Genetic resources has become the creation wealth the special resources. However, with the continuous reduction in the resources of species on the earth, rapid development in biotechnology and increase need for the hereditary biological resources, the hereditary biological resources, While it is a serious problem that the hereditary biological resources is losing in our country ,which requires us urgently to protect,utilize and sharing the benefit of the hereditary biological resources.This articles analyses the deficiencies and regulations related to the protection,utilization and benefit sharing of the hereditary biological resources and it also puts forward perfect methods in strengthening the protection and management of the hereditary resources of living beings. The essay is divided into five sectionsThe first part is about genetic resources intellectual property benefit share question correlation outline. This part states the genetic resources question origin, it which is first stipulated in Convention Biological Diversity, and the genetic resources concept is explained in Convention Biological Diversity. Afterwards, also elaborated genetic resources concept extending, introduced the genetic resources produce the scope which in this article the background knowledge as well as which elaborates the genetic resources includes, finally introduced the genetic resources function and the genetic resources in modern economy development important status.The second part is about genetic resources intellectual property benefit share question proposing. This part elaborated because the developed countries plunders the developing countries genetic resources "the gene pirate" the behavior, the developed country studied the advanced technical...
Keywords/Search Tags:Genetic Resources, Intellectual Property Rights, Benefit Sharing, Human Genetic Resources, Biological Diversity
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