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Maritime Services Negotiations And China's Countermeasures

Posted on:2007-08-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360212455591Subject:International Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Maritime Transport Services belong to the item of Transport Service in service trade, and the liberation of Maritime Transport Services is one of the important topics of discussion in multilateral negotiation of service trade. However, since General Agreement on Trade in Services, and The Ministerial Decision on Negotiations on Maritime Transport Services have been come to through the multilateral negotiation of the trades in Uruguay Round, the Doha Round from the year 2000 is near the end in 2006. During the period of the new round, the negotiation of Maritime Transport Services is appraised that there is little progress.Besides, the department of Maritime Transport Services is one of the our advantage departments, the trend of the negotiation of which will affect our maritime service industry greatly, hence, we shall pay more attention to the development of the negotiation.So far, what agreements have been come to by the negotiation of Maritime Transport Services? What need to be discussed further? What about the position of the negotiating member? What can we do to face the condition? etc. I am interested to all of the questions, so I pick it as my subject investigated.The purpose of the thesis is to sum up the achievements of the negotiation of Maritime Transport Services and analyze the policies and standpoint of the main negotiating member, then forecast the trend of the future of the negotiation, in order to put forward advice for negotiation and the liberation of our marine.The high lights of the thesis are the review of the negotiation of Maritime Transport Services, the introduction of its new development and the objective analysis as the useful reference to our marine.
Keywords/Search Tags:Maritime Transport Services, Negotiation, Liberation, Foreground
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