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Study Of The Legal Status Of Civil Liability Of The Insurance Assessor

Posted on:2007-04-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M GongFull Text:PDF
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As one kind of insurance intermediary institution, insurance assessor has not only relations but also differences with insurance agent and insurance broker, and they make up the three pillars of insurance intermediary market, which plays a decisive role in the development of insurance industry . Insurance assessment has been considerable development in foreign countries, but a real start in nearly two years, outside the terms of insurance, insurance assessment there is a new term. The insurance market in the face of fierce international competition, improve the legal system and build a modern insurance system is most urgent Although in recent years, the insurance assessor establish and perfect the system of a certain degree of attention and began to be gradually improving. However, China's insurance assessment is still at the initial stage, and there are still many problems, the lack of deep analysis and a comprehensive legal system of theoretical study, in comparison to other insurance intermediary system, the Insurance Assessor system is still very backward, Insurance assessment legislation remains to be further strengthened.Insurance assessor analysis of the concepts introduced in this paper and its legal status on the basis of China insurance assessor their legal obligations and further clarify the legal status of the insurance assessor analysis of the legal liability system insurance assessor perfect system to be fully discussed, then targeted Insurance Assessor proposes to strengthen and improve the legal status of the insurance assessor measures and legal obligations.According to this line of thinking and the framework, this paper is divided into four chapters summarize the main points are as follows:Papers described the origins of the electoral body foreword to study ideas that framework.The first chapter from a legal perspective the concept of foreign origin and insurance system, China's system, the legislature an outline of the status, thereby sharpening the legislative analysis of the existing system errors.The second chapter describes the Insurance Assessor's market position, in assessing the nature and the nature of the legal analysis in assessing the report, which further define the...
Keywords/Search Tags:Insurance Assessor, Legal status, Legal liability system
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