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On "taiwan Independence" Immoral

Posted on:2008-12-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W ZhengFull Text:PDF
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"Taiwan's independence" is not only a political and social ideological trend, but also an extreme movement. It is the source of instability for the Island of Taiwan and the Taiwan Strait. If we cannot explain the immorality of "Taiwan's independence," the rightness against "Taiwan's independence" would be unjustified, and thus, we would lack the righteousness and lose direction when we solve the Taiwan's problem. This thesis is going to prove the immorality of "Taiwan's independence." Therefore, the achievement of our research will not only be valuable for academic purposes but also, hopefully, capture the mind of the Chinese Taiwanese.In this thesis, with the aid of the method of logical analysis borrowed from contemporary analytic philosophy, I examine the conditions for the moral righteousness of "Taiwan's independence" and I try to show that those conditions are either insufficient or non-existent. I attempt to show that "Taiwan's independence" cannot be morally justified by focusing on the question of "what makes an action morally right" and I try to argue that it violates some important ethical rules, such as Kantian Categorical Imperative, the principle of utility, and the principles of normative virtue ethics. "Taiwan's independence" is not in the interests of the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Therefore, it is immoral. I conclude by analyzing some moral factors we need to take into account when we solve the Taiwan problem.
Keywords/Search Tags:Taiwan's independence, morality, moral principles, normative ethics
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