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Rent-seeking Behavior In The Weapons And Equipment Procurement Market Analysis And Countermeasures,

Posted on:2009-12-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H C WuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In China , because of the lack of management experience and the flaw of the related system , equipment purchase is in a very serious situation of rent-seeking. Therefore, it is an important issue to study how to effectively contain rent-seeking behaviors in equipment purchase. In the research, I adopt the up-dated theorical analysis tools such as Rent-seeking theory , Game theory and etc, combining the knowledge of applied economics of national defense, equipment purchase theories, analyse the Rent-seeking behaviors of aspects in the acquisition and some advice is introduced to reduce rent-seeking behaviorFirstly it is objective analysed the major problems in the current equipment acquisition management system. For example: the poor operable laws and regulations, imperfect equipment acquisition mechanism, Rent-seeking behaviors are existed universal, Principal-Agent chain is long, Asymmetrical information is protrudent and so on.Secondly, with the aids of the economic tools such as cost-benefit analysis and game theory, it is analysed the rent-seeking behviors of different interests-related aspects in the equipment acquisition , and established their rent-seeking game model, from which we can come to the conclusion that the rent-seeking probability between different aspects depends on the common employment of many factors, which include the probability of successful investigation treated to the rent-seeking behaviors, the punish coefficient to them, the size of rent-seeking costs and net profits.Last, According to the model conclusion, it is suggested that we should make scientific policies and measures to cure the adverse selection and moral hazard behaviors.
Keywords/Search Tags:Equipment acquisition, Rent-seeking behaviors, Game model, Mechanism Design
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