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The Significance Of Civil Society And Building A Harmonious Society

Posted on:2011-08-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J QiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360305986043Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Civil society is a broad area of a State or a political body, which is between a "nation" and a "person". It includes different kinds of relatively independent organizations and groups. It is a self-governing society, which is spontaneously formed by the outside of the state power system. A civil society with the characteristic of independent institution is a basic symbol to measure the social organization and systematization. Civil society is the buffer zone of state authority and individual freedom. Civil society is the community of citizens in ancient West.There is no civil society in China's ancient and medieval Europe, which is built on the basis of commodity economy. The burghersclass, dealing with commodity economy,began to appear from the nineteenth century. Public social theory was brought up by ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle in the "politics". Then it was repeated by Locke, Rousseau, Montesquieu and other thinkers of contract theory of "civil society". Hegel is the first one to distinguish the society and the state from concept and theory. Hegel's "Philosophy" (1821) firstly elaborated the relation of civil society and the state, and clearly distinguished them. Hegel regarded the civil society as a system of private; and thought that the individual is the basis of activities of the public; and valued the effect of social organization, which developed in production and exchange; and he though that civil society attached to the State. In the summer of 1843, written by Marx's "Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Law", he inherited the Hegelian thinking critically. The first time he put forward and elaborated on this idea of civil society. Marx looked this civil society as people's material relationships in a market economy, and social life areas posed by the interaction.The history of the evolution of world civilization course of the development has proved: Civil society is a commodity market economy, its existence and development of the basis of social organization. As a social being, the essence of civil society is to correctly understand and deal with the state and society, the relationship between the State and individuals; and to establish a non-aggression and co-existed functional boundaries. In Chinese over 2000 years of Feudal society history, people have been mainly based on smallholder production, which was a self-sufficient natural economy and society, and commerce and industry was very underdeveloped, producers carried out an individual as the unit production and life, and there were no co-operation and interaction between them. Chinese feudal society is a society of feudal autocracy; people are the main production; and they do not have an independent personality. In the long culture river of feudal society, Confucianism has far-reaching influence, Chinese dynasties monarchs, which have been transformed by Confucian culture, is only to serve emperors authoritarian monarchy. People do not have the pursuit of equality and freedom of spirit and consciousness. Whether in the economic base, political system or cultural level, there are no suitable soils for the development of civil society. In the end of feudal society, there has been the seed of capitalism; later, national capitalism emerged. However, in a period of internal and external problems, these are insufficient to enable the public to be properly formed and developed society. After the founding of new China, it is well received by the Soviet planned economy, and it is also practiced a planned economy. In the planned economy; there is no room for development of civil society. Since reform and opening, China changed from a planned economy to a market economy; the economic base changes that result in changes in the superstructure; civil society begun to feel the basis for development and space. From a realistic point of view, China's market-oriented reform and development of practice makes social and political power both in breadth and depth of a profound transformation. so that social and political power, both in breadth and depth of a profound transformation. All of this change will cause the socialism with Chinese characteristics of civil society formed, and continue to develop.The contemporary of our socialist modernization drive is being carried out in full swing; and it is now the subject of a harmonious society.To promote the building of a harmonious society in the present time, our country's civil society has been a very good opportunity for development; China's civil society is not mature enough, it is only an early stage. But the villagers'self-government, community self-government, etc. are the expression of theories of civil society in real life. Citizen's political personality is more and more independent. They do not just satisfy with producers, but to do political actors. This civil society will definitely play an important role in harmonious society. Although at the present stage of civil society in China is only the initial stage, but the advantages of the socialist system can be used to work for a harmonious social development. In the economy we can take advantage of the socialist economic system to promote the development of the cause of socialist modernization. In politics, we can take advantage of the socialist democratic centralism, improve the political and social. We can use the democratic public and political ties to the community together. This allows people in a socialist society could be both material wealth creation and the owner, but also can fully enjoy their political rights, at the same time accesses to personal social value.
Keywords/Search Tags:Civil Society, Chinization, Relevance, Harmonious Societ
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