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Normal Pedagogy Textbooks Knowledge Structure

Posted on:2002-12-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Q LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207360032954500Subject:Principles of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The key to vitalize a nation is education, and the key tO vitalize educaton is the teacher,Whose professional level is of cotal impotae. It has become aPparent that intemationalcompetition is not the comPetition of education, bllt the comPetition of the teacher'professional level. Educational courses in teachers' colleges, of which non-major pedagogycourse is at the core, are the main channels to consmict the teachers' understanding ofeducational science. But for a long time, non-major pedagogy course has met withdissatisfacion in both theory and pracice, thus should be strengthened. The textbooks arethe realization of a course, and the main content of a textbook is its knoWedge structure.Therefore, a stUdy on the knowedge strUctre of non-major pedagogy textbooks has bOththeoratical and practical significance. Guided by system theory and making use of theories incurriculum design, leaming, teaching and' cognitive psycho1ogy, this dissertation attemPs tOinvestigate the knoWedge stheOtUt of current non-major pedagogy tCxthooks in teachers'colleges, find oul their problems and analyze systematically how these problems come illtobeing., then we propose some ways to optimize the knowledge structure of non-majorpedagogy textbooks.This dissertation consiSts of four parts.Pwt One studies the meaning of knowledge statate and its formation, and pat forwardfive criteria of analyzng and evalwting knoWedge struCtllre, i.e., knowedge shatheshould be logic, adaPtale, basic, developmental and able to meet the requirement of theePoch.In Part Two, the CUrren pedagogy texthooks are divided into five tyPes. We careAnlyanalyzed the knowedge sbe of each of these tyPes and generalized somc of thecommon problems: emphasis upon the logic of the subect over the logic of hUmanpsychology; emPhasis of teaching over learning; emphasis of declaraive knowledge overprocedural knowledge; arbitrariness in choosing knowledge; textbooks are regarded as thefixed "cultural-script" of the learning inst6ad of the spiritual resources to actively consmictknowledge.Part Three makes a comprehensive and systematic investigation of the reasons of theproblems of the knoWedge sthecture in nonmajor pedagogy textbooks.Part Four proposes some Ways to oPtimize the knowledge strUctUre of non-majorpedagogy texthooks. First, the goal of non-major pedagogy textbooks is to acquaint theteachers-to-be with modem teaching thebries, rather than to train' teaching skills. Second,investigation should be carried oot to discover the PraCtical demand, tO analyze and evaluatescientifically the cnd state ofpedagogy textbooks, all to comPile textbooks according tOR. M. Gagne's insndional design theories so as to avoid the arbitrariness of choosingknowledge. pord, educational ideas and teaching content shou1d be renewed to fOcus on theinteractional nature of education, and the learning theories should be integrated with theoriesin curriculum and instruction. Fourth, exemPlarisches Lehren und Lemen should beemployed to sthecturalize the knowledge of the non-major pedagogy course...
Keywords/Search Tags:pedagogy non-major pedagogy knowledge structue oPtimize
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