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Situated Learning Theory In The Teaching Of Language Subjects

Posted on:2007-04-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X R QiFull Text:PDF
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As announcing an essential new visual angle of knowledge, as offering studying meaningfully and promoting knowledge to learn the theory from importance that the true sence of life transforms, study the theory of Contextual Learning from initiating the research and upsurge of practice of the education circle of the academia in the global range rapidly while rising the eighties of the 20th century in sence, and has changed and deepened people' s understanding of study from a certain degree, and then has promoted the brang-new reform of the field of educational theory and practice.Chapter one herein proceeds from knowledge essence and characteristic that the mankind studies as the introduction part, analyze current situation and reason of the basic education, combine the support background of the course reform of new round , put forward until "contextual learning" , until "learning community" as reform traditional new idea of teaching.Study the visual angle and emphasize the scene content in the studying activities in psychology to study theory of the scene, the central issue is to establish and practise the field;Study the visual angle and emphasize knowledge is attribute contacted between the personal and social or physical scene and interdynamic result in anthropology of studying the theory of the scene, the core is to practice the communitu,seeing that this text of need practiced in teaching uses this concept of "learning community" .Double visual angle that this text has combined scene psychology and anthropology to study theory and studied, have explained respectively in chapter two and chapter three that studies the theory and studies the research results of community' s theory in scene from the aspect of theory :Study the historical development of the theory in scene, scene concept and intension to study theory are defined, study the basic concept of the view, the teaching basic tactics of the scene in scene;Study the historical development of community' s theory, the intension of studying the community is defined, study the characteristic of the community, study the function of the community.On the basic of theoretical research,I combine the Chinese teaching launched under the guidance of the theory in one' s own teaching to practisi, have proposed in chapter four the following six teaching enlighten:Solve studying in the true scene through the problem;Abundant education resource , build, construct "go ahead of the rest organizer" ;The scene is founded, it is true to reproduce;Contruct "learning community" ;Appraisal of student' s study;Study the acquisition of the structure.The theory combines with practice, in the research of taking action,...
Keywords/Search Tags:Contextual learning, Learning community, Knowledge view, Organizer in advance, The scene is founded, Specialized development
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