Junior High School Students Internet Addiction And Family Functioning, Social Support, To Cope With The Way The Relationship Between Research, | Posted on:2008-11-19 | Degree:Master | Type:Thesis | Country:China | Candidate:P Y Cai | Full Text:PDF | GTID:2207360215992820 | Subject:Applied Psychology | Abstract/Summary: | PDF Full Text Request | Nowadays, internet brought convenience to people's daily life; it also brought a few negative influence. Internet addiction is one problem.Internet addiction disorder, also known as Pathological Internet Use, has become one of the major topics in the research of psychology. The researcher take more research on university student than the junior student, The researcher are focus on the factor's influence to internet addiction of internet's feature and internet user themselves, less concern about the influence of social resource and the coping style. In our country, the number of teenager internet user has rapid grown, and because the junior students are in the age of puberty, their mental characteristics make them easy to have intemet addiction problem. This paper probed into some psychology variables which reflect social resources: family function, social support and coping style. In order to make active and effective measures to prevent those negative influences of the internet addiction disorder.By using the questionnaires and selecting 393 junior students as subject. We divided the object into two levels: highly internet addicted level and low internet addicted level. In this research, we have got the following results: (1) The percentage of internet addition user is 3.1% (2) There are significant differences among those who are at different levels internet addicted in these aspects of family functions: problem solving, roles, affective involvement, behavior control, general functioning. The highly internet addicted junior students' family function is poorer. (3) There are significant differences among those who are at different levels internet addicted in these aspects of social support: general social support, subjective social support. The highly internet addicted junior students get less social support. (4) There are significant differences among those who are at different levels internet addicted in these aspects of coping style: problem solving imagination, withdraw, t. The highly internet addicted junior students use more negative coping style.(5) There are significant differences among those internet users who are highly internet addicted in the following aspects: gender, grade, internet service use, the frequency of surfing the net, communicate with parents about the internet use, the habit of smoking and drinking. The results indicate that the highly addicted junior student family function is weaker than the low addicted junior student. We can prevent the internet addiction not only in the users themselves but also in their family function. | Keywords/Search Tags: | junior student, internet addition, family function, social support, coping style | PDF Full Text Request | Related items |
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