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The Study On The Tribological Property Of Schiff Base Copper (Ⅱ) Complex In Different Basis Lubricating Oils

Posted on:2012-12-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q S ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2211330368490090Subject:Biochemical Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Schiff base copper (Ⅱ) complex as lubr ication oil addi tive wassynthes ized in the modi fied poly-α-olefin, the modi fied rapeseed oil , andthe modi fied microorgani sm oil by the microemul s ion system. And thethree new types of lubr ication oils were prepared.The amount of Schiff base copper (Ⅱ) complex was det ermined bymicromul s ion syst em. The Schiff base copper (Ⅱ) complex can uni formlydi sper se and wel l stabi lize in the oil wi thin the range of 0-2%. The Schiffbase copper (Ⅱ) complex will become unstable when the content was morethan 2%. Therefore, 2% of the Schiff base copper (Ⅱ) complexes wasthemaximum amountin base oil .Schiff base copper (Ⅱ) complex was synthes ized wi th thepoly-α-olefin oils (PAO) asthe base oilin the modi fied PAO oils bymicromul s ion reactor s , where the types of PAO lubr icant were prepared.The Schiff base copper (Ⅱ) compl ex can di sper se evenly and wel lstabi lize in the PAO oils wi thin the range of 0-2%.Whi le the Schiff basecopper (Ⅱ) compl ex was added, the peoper ties of the vi scos i ty and thelow temperature f low of modi fied PAO were improved. Specimes wereidenti fied by X-P pin-on-di sk tester , SST-ST pin-on-di sk tester andmicrot r ibomet er . Topographi es of worn sur faces were observed by thescanning elect ron microscope(SEM),the whi te light confocal micros copeand the atomic force micros cope (AFM) . Chemical compos i tion of wornsur face were analyz ed by the energy di sper se spect roscopy (EDS) . Theresul t s showed that adding the Schiff base copper (Ⅱ) compl ex of PAO oilcan increase f r iction and wear charact er i stics . When f r i ction test lubbingby 2% Schiff base copper (Ⅱ) compl ex in lubr icant , the coef fici ent off r iction decreased by 37.5%, the depth of wear t rack decreased f rom 3μmto 1μm and wear los s decreased by 64.8%. Af ter f r i ction, the spcimens were observed by EDS, whi te light confocal microscope and AFM. Theresul t s showed that copper in the oil t rans fered to the sur face of the steelsamples , which formed copper prot ective film and pl ayed sel f - repai redrole.The condi tion of epoxidation of rapeseed oil wasthat , VH2O2 :VCH3COOH = 5: 2, the reaction time of 6h and the reaction temperature of60℃. The epoxidated rapeseed oil was modi fied wi th Schiff base copper(Ⅱ) compl ex. Wi th the concent ration of Schiff base copper (Ⅱ) complexincreas ing in Schiff base copper (Ⅱ) complex addi tive modi fied rapeseedoil , the coef fi cient of f r iction and the wear volume were reduced. Theresul t s showed that the optimum concent ration of Schiff base copper (Ⅱ)complex in lubr icant was 2%.Microbial oil was modi fied by the epoxidation reaction, which iodinevalue wastested. The resul t s showed thatiodine valuet of microbi al oildecreased to 59.8% af ter the epoxidation reaction. The epoxidatedmicrobial oil was mixed wi th rapeseed oil by volume ratio of 1:1 in orderto adjust the vi scos i ty of mixture liquid. The mixture liquid was modi fiedwi th Schiff base copper (Ⅱ) complex al so. The X-P pin-on-di sk tester andmicrot r ibomet er were empolyed to measure the t r ibologi cal peoper ties ofthe modi fied lubr i cant . The resul t s showed that the coef fici ent of f r ictionwas lowest and the wear los s was least , when the cocent ration of Schiffbase copper (Ⅱ) complex was 2%.
Keywords/Search Tags:microemulsion, lubricant base oil, Schiff base copper (Ⅱ)complex, selective transferring
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