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Shift From Readiness-to-hand To Presence-at-hand

Posted on:2012-04-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y WengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330338463695Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Modern western philosophy marked by epistemological diversion, but neither empiricism nor rationalism have been able to solve or clear the root of the cognition. Though the traditional philosophy of science also try to overcome the drawbacks of modern philosophy, from the phenomenological perspective, its direction is just in contrast to the phenomenological way. The correct solution should be going deeply into the existential--ontological foundation of scientific cognition so as to make a historic analysis. Taking science as a way of being for Dasin, find out the existential roots of scientific cognition in the existentialism of Dasin.The exist of Dasin accommodate the exist of Seiende, Dasin grasp and explain Seiende during its exist. This kind of explanation is a absolute and prior one, with which can grasp the existence of exist during being existing. This kind of grasp and explanation is absolute, prior, which has comprehended somewhat about the existence of exist in the existence of Dasin before the Seiende is taken as an object. Common cognition recipient in this kind of grasp and explanation. Cognition is a crack of the primary existential activities. Only if cut off this kind of living existential activity and fix Seiende as an object, would we get proposition by making judges. Theoretical propositions are cracks of exist. Once take the Seiende as an object to understand it, there would be unfolding break. By the shift from Readiness-to-hand to Presence-at-hand, instead of deliberating circumspectively about something ready-to-hand, we take it as something present-at-hand. The crucial step of the constitution of scientific attitude is:one's understanding of Being has been modified from readiness-to-hand to presence-at-hand.This article is divided into five following chapters. In the first chapter, by introduce Martin heidegger's existential scientific views, guided the study to existential--- ontological. In chapter two by the introduction of Dasein's Being——Being-in-the-World, provide theoretical background support for the paper. The third and the fourth chapter explained the shift from Readiness-to-hand to Presence-at-hand and it's fruits—proposition cognition in detatil. In the last chapter I try to find out the existential roots of scientific cognition in the existentialism of Dasin.
Keywords/Search Tags:Readiness-to-hand, Presence-at-hand, scientific cognition, Existentialism, Roots
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