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The Couse Of Formation Of Our Rural Colonial Events And Its Prevention Countermeasures

Posted on:2012-08-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L CengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2216330338971833Subject:Criminal Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Masses of Rural Colonial Events belongs to the contradictions among the people, from which a positive role has been played in the implement of farms special citizen political participation; in the acceleration of Rural Basic Level Governments improving their administrative level; in the attraction of the whole society focusing on the farmers' embarrassing Production-Environment to the rural society. Nevertheless, the Rural Colonial Events also has played a negative role in rural stabilization, highly civilized society as well as the authority of Rural Basic Level Government.At the moment, Rural Colonial Events is the result of a great variety of interests and contradictions, which comes from profound reasons of history, economy, system and the mentality of peasants community, because farmers has been prostrated in the power of Leaders, the Rural Basic Level Organizations command people ebbly and the corruption and bureaucratism have been becoming seriously in the Rural Basic Level Government, the difficulty of increasing the income of farmers and the expanding of the income gap between urban and rural residents, resulting the severe interests differentiation among farmers, besides, their sense of power and the unfair and bereaved sense, which comes from the hugeness difference between their expectation and real-life has been becoming more and more strong.The stabilities of rural matters the tranquilization of our whole society, even the development of social economy, politics and culture. Therefore, governments should take effective measures such as energetically develop rural areas economy to increase the income of farmers, healthily found basic level democratic and political construction to improve the dominating of our organiz ations, promote the building of the ministrant governments benefiting from the transformation of governments' function, consummate laws aim at boosting up people's systemic sense as well as strengthen system innovation to advance farmers' self-identity. Only in those measures, will we be ready for solving the contradictions between basic level laders and people, heightening the rural basic level governments administrative abilities and solving the current affairs' levels, defending and decreasing the feasibility of rural colonial events furthest, maintaining the stabilities of the whole society, founding the harmonious society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural, Rural Colonial Events, foundation, measures
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