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Analysis Of Contemporary Chinese Social Hierarchy Research,

Posted on:2012-08-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M K ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Social stratification is the most important territory and most fundamental proposition of sociology. The structure of social stratification is the macroscopical level and a static view of social stratification. The actuality and configuration of the structure of social stratification deeply influence the integral social structure. it is the core of social structure. This paper tries to conclude, integrate and coordinate the theories, genres and methodologies of contemporary research of the structure of social stratification of China, with a purpose to summarize the achievements and point out the deficiencies. On the basis, attempt to discuss the paradigms of the social stratification theories.First, this paper defines the concepts of social stratification and the structure of social stratification, then discuss the background and significance of this research, and make a summary of correlative research. Further more, this paper also states the two theoretical roots of the social stratification research, and define the area of the research.Second, this paper dissertates the studies of the actuality of the structure of social stratification of contemporary China, and concludes the studies of the actuality of the structure of social stratification of contemporary China into five patterns.Third, this paper dissertates the studies of the configuration of the structure of social stratification of contemporary China, and concludes the studies of the configuration of the structure of social stratification of contemporary China into three viewpoints.At last, this paper classify the research of the structure of social stratification of contemporary China based on the paradigms of the social theories. Then, discuss the relations and pedigree of the four paradigms of the social stratification theories, and forecast the future areas of the research of social stratification.
Keywords/Search Tags:Social Stratification, The Structure of Social Stratification, The Paradigms of Social Stratification
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