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The Research On Structure Of Reasonable Social Stratification

Posted on:2016-12-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330479480103Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Social stratification is the center problem and basic proposition of social science research, but also an important content of study of social change, the study of social stratification structure is to explore the basic theoretical proposition a macro level of social stratification. The last century eighty’s Chinese gradually for a large range of institutional transformation, social stratification structure also produced new change, the research on this problem has not only become the key point of China system transformation in Social Sciences, but also concerns the whole social stratum’s utilitarian benefits cut and get widespread attention in the community. Study on social stratification has a long history, the true sense of the beginning stage of historical materialism is a time for reflection of social history, through the deep thought of historical materialism reveals why the social stratification of this phenomenon, reveals why the social unfair distribution of resources, and further reveal a series of problems in social stratification on the social development of the specific effect. Although the structure of social stratification in China have produced all components of the modernization of the structure of social stratification, social stratification in China has already emerged from political to economic, a movement from status to contract, from ascribed social mobility to guide changes to social mobility, but the fact is, the structure of our country social stratification is still not reasonable, seriously restricted the healthy and harmonious development of society.This is the reality of contemporary society reasonable social stratification in China based on the contemporary social stratification, three theoretical system of Marx theory of social stratification, social stratification theories of Webb and Durkheim’s theory of social stratification theory foundation for research, present situation and the problems of social stratification structure in China is discussed, and the and then explores the causes of social stratification in China have deep-seated reasons of problems, this puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to optimize the structure of China’s contemporary social reasonable layer, target interest demands that is clear, each social stratum, properly deal with the conflicts of interests among the various strata of the middle class, expand the scale, improve the security mechanism, perfect social stratification order fair just, hope through the research for our country to construct the harmonious society to make contribution to the theory.
Keywords/Search Tags:Social stratification, Structure fracture, Problem attribution, Harmonious society
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