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Research On The Local Government Functions In Rural Collective Construction Land Use Right Transfer

Posted on:2012-07-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Z WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2216330368491687Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Urbanization wave swept in, a lot of space on the need to arrange for construction sites.However, a limited number of urban construction land, can not meet the development needs, land acquisition act has exposed many social problems, a greater number of people will turn their attention to the collective construction land.Collective construction land in collective ownership of rural land does not change under the premise of the stock or approved incremental collective construction land use right transfer, and then make an inventory of collective land assets.Collective construction land or even invisible at first spontaneous circulation, after the pilot and a number of places to explore.Allow rural enterprises such as collective land for construction sites, housing sites in the transfer of collective economic organization for the collective organization or individual other than the transfer of the units, there is strict regulation.Due to lack of basis, no wider unified operation, together with the local collective construction land use right transfer of different backgrounds, as well as policies of the different levels of understanding and grasp, resulting in the transfer of content across inconsistent, but after a long timepractice, especially in some of the policies on rural development after the introduction of collective construction land more orderly flow has become a trend.along with rural reform, the rapid development of land transfer, the original management style no longer suited to current needs of the ruralsupervision and management of collective land vacancy occurs.Collective construction land use rights transfer in the loss of arable land, land assets, house property is an example, flow behavior of the single market has been showing market failure.By the theory of property rights and land development rights, land rent theory, the theory analysis of local government control the flow of theoretical basis for government Research on the Local Government Functions in Collective Construction Land Use Right Transfer Abstract intervention, coupled with the actual situation of market failure, local governments need to intervene in circulation.This is a means to manage innovation, and second, to prevent the occurrence of government failure.To prevent and correct government failure, it must effectively change the government functions, divided between departments of science orientation, lower levels of government, division of labor between departments, and take a series of effective measures.
Keywords/Search Tags:collective construction land, transfer, function, local government
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