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The Role Change Of Village Cadre In The Process Of Social Transformantion

Posted on:2013-01-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Y PuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The role of village cadres research is always an important topic in the research of rural sociology. While in the process of social transformation, the research of village cadres' role change also has its significance and realistic value. The social transformation of our country is related to the full range of transition, government and market double action deep transformation. With the social transformation, the role of village cadres'behavior changed. The exact location of village cadres' cosplay is the success of rural construction key.The thesis focus on the role change of village cadre in the process of social transformation. Using the sociology role theory concepts as research tools, social transformation as the background, combining with the structural role theory and process structure theory, thus to village cadre undertakes retrospective study. This paper will be village cadres' cosplay process as the main line. In contrast to the village cadres in the different periods of roles and actual play, from politics, economy, society in three aspects, analysis of village cadre role conversion, trying to reflect the role of village cadres development change of the real process.This paper tries to do not only from the microscopic portrays to drawing a true picture of the village cadres with the social transformation process roles change, but also from the village cadres and the structure interaction of economy, politics and society, grasp the role of village cadres and the changes of village cadres' cosplay behind the action logic. So that the village cadre's role due to the government and the common people expectation, and various interest groups and their role expectation. Through the national strength, economic reform and microcosmic situation village take the joint action to the village cadres' cosplay, they use power, interest and other tools to maintain their power and position in the village, which is respond to the country and the change of the market.
Keywords/Search Tags:Social Transformation, Village cadres' role, Role Theory
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