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Village Cadres Role Conflict Research

Posted on:2011-08-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360308467690Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The present for the new countryside construction, the village cadres to play an important role. Village cadres, the village core layer of a variety of organizations, the main effect "lead goose" role, mobilizing, organizing, leading members of the village governance to achieve. By the market economy and multi-cultural influences, the original closure of the village has changed, but because of relatively weak economic base of rural, backward rural education has not fundamentally change the status quo, but also different degrees of feudal ideas and some residual negative factors, farmers in general in a state of disorder, the mental state of the peasants and the performance of the present multi-level and unbalanced. Therefore, the village cadres, the role of the organization and cohesion is very important. Village cadres, as village-level organizations, governance body, is the village all the specific executor, in resolving specific conflicts, and maintain social stability, promoting the healthy development of the role of rural society is very important. Now the State attaches great importance to "three rural" issue, and "three rural" issue completely resolved, and new construction of rural problems, if left the village cadres to solve rural problems and dealing with the fulcrum, it will be "baseless". So, the next "three rural" issue no matter what methods and means to resolve, village officials will deal with the problem solving and an important part.Village cadres and the broad content of the complex, decided to represent the work of village cadres in the diversity of interests, village cadres are linked bonds of the township government and villagers, in the work of specific working environment need to decide on behalf of the interests of the subject. In the course of the implementation of national policies, but also because the target of certainty, so that the work of village cadres in the specific process tremendous pressure, showing characteristics of different roles. Specific examples from the village this paper discusses the role of village cadres, the status of the conflict, the causes and propose concrete solutions. Full-text is divided into five parts, The first chapter introduces the role of village cadres current research theory and practice of conflict, and this paper's approach and means. Described the current domestic and foreign Research on the role of village cadres and related concepts. The second chapter Dang special geographical location and status quo of the development of village self-government, the party described the role of family characteristics and the role of village cadres, village cadres role conflict theory of general performance, and the role of party cadres in the village home the negative impact. The third chapter analyzes the role of village cadres, the specific reasons for the conflict arising from the interests of the driver, is unclear, the role of gap between the modern and traditional resources and social capital in four areas to explore the country, villagers and village cadres and their impact on the role. Chapter IV of the role of village cadres Huanjie conflict responseCadres of the village is fundamentally solve the "three rural" issue approach, the role of village cadres could help to define the conflict of the specific role of village cadres in the specific work characteristics and work functions of the village cadres in the village of clear identity management process, work. The rural social stability and orderly development of village self-government.
Keywords/Search Tags:The villagers self-government, the role of village cadres, role, role conflict
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