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A Study On Customer Satisfaction Measurement For Community Information Service

Posted on:2012-07-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2217330338471574Subject:Information Science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the 1960s, the Western country put forward the concept of community information service, Defines it as"helping individual or the association solves the daily problem and participating democratic progress, the key service point is the most important questions which the people face, just like their family, occupation and something related their rights". In the early-1990s, the community information service theory spread to our country, the services provided by the government, the public library, the community library and so on Public sector satisfied community residents'information need, manifested the enormous public welfare value and the social efficiency. In recent years, along with our country information industries rapidly expanding and the community informationization infrastructure's gradual consummation, the community information service tend to be the main body multiplication, the service content diversification, the service mode intellectualization and so on new characteristic.No matter who provide the community information service, no matter how different is the service mode, the community information service always bases on the community, always take satisfying the community residents'information need as the value measurement and the ultimate objective. Through the public administration theory,"the customer"of community information service is the community resident, the construction goal of the community information service is"satisfying the customer". Therefore, this article conducts the evaluation research from customer's angle of view; construct the customer satisfaction index model of community information service.First, summary the related concept of community information service, union the community information service development trend and characteristic, analyze the connotation of community information service. Constructed the community information service construction theory frame from development process, service content, service nature, service objective and service target. According to the research of customer satisfaction index model, union the characteristic of community information service, proposed the connotation of community information service customer satisfaction index model, and carry on analysis to the mechanism of customer satisfaction. Next, review the classical customer satisfaction index model and their construction theory, union the characteristic of community information service system, from the customers'angle of using information service, select the latent variable and the related measurable variable, proposes the supposition of structural relations; construct the community information service customer satisfaction index model.Finally, take Xiangtan Yuhu District as the investigation object, according to the establishment model, design the questionnaire and carry on investigation, then analyze the sample and the data, and utilizes the least squares method (PLS) to carry on the examination and the parameter solution to the evaluation model, and give some suggestions to improve community information service.
Keywords/Search Tags:Community information service, Customer satisfaction, Structural equation model, PLS path analysis
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