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Environment Of Ideological And Political Education Graduate Student Interpersonal Study, With The Door

Posted on:2012-08-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M M LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2217330371451554Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
During the process of postgraduate education, the communication between the students of the same grade or different grades is an important part which can be used to study the interpersonal relationship of postgraduate. As an important part of the environment for ideological and political education, Interpersonal relationship which contains the soil for ideological and political education is anther subject the ideological and political education focus on.In this study, we collect the data by interviews and questionnaires.26 people were interviewed, of which one is group interview,9 participate in, and there are 17 individual interviews, one person each time. In addition, a total of 200 questionnaires were returned which include 165 valid questionnaires.The results of the study show that interpersonal communication is a relatively frequently, about half of the people communicate at least once a week, but they still desire to increase the rate of communication. The main content of communication is the events about learning; the second is career expectations, basic necessities of life and the feelings. The way of communication between the same grade is by face-to-face meet, while the different is by phone. As the confines of these objective conditions, the same grade postgraduates are easy to form closer relation than the students of different grades. The survey also showed that the dependence between the postgraduates is not very strong; most of the postgraduates don't ask the same grade postgraduates for help as the first choice. Overall, the postgraduates of Qingdao University are satisfied with the current status of the interpersonal relationship between the same grade, while they still except some improvements.In addition, the study also investigated the factors which have an effect on the interpersonal relationship of graduate students in Qingdao University. The results are as follows:Instructor's guide style, individual personality factors, interests, and the first impression, these are the impacts which influence the relationship. Among these factors, the tutor's guiding style is the most important one. In addition, other factors such as the system of the meeting also have influence on the communication between the same grade students.Considering the results of the study, we suggest that we should try our best to improve the relationship between the postgraduates in two facts. First, we think that as a tutor he should improve his guiding style, advocate democracy and establish a fixed meeting system to ensure opportunities for students to meet; create a common task, to encourage students to collaborate on; promote core values, share a common cultural experience. Second we think that as a student should respect teachers and fellow students; open mind to learn; open mind, to accommodate a variety of characters and academic points; participate actively in common activities to enhance the relationship; care for the match gate, establish a good relationship.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ideological and Political Education Environment, postgraduate, match gate relationship
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