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A Measure Of The Degree Of Equalization Education In Ethnic Minority Areas

Posted on:2013-01-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2217330374458124Subject:Basic mathematics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a united socialist country with diversified ethnic populations, ethnic education plays important role in China. Although most of the developing indicators are significantly increased in ethnic regions recently, the relative growing rate is still lower than the national average. The absolute growth of educated population is relatively very slow, the environment of education is still substantially backward; the ratio of educated population is still far below the national average. Education disequilibrium issue still exists. Therefore it is important to solve the issue of education disequilibrium by establishing and improving the balanced development of compulsory protection mechanisms, promoting the standard construction of compulsory education schools, balancing the allocation of various resources.There is realistic meaning to develop a scientific computing model and measurement to evaluate the developing level and disequilibrium degree of ethnic regions at China. To our best knowledge, there is not an overall and systematically investigation to the educational level and disequilibrium in the major ethnic regions of China using average educational years and educational gini coefficient. The ethnic population in our country is widely distributed and the situation is very complex.Therefore, this thesis is mainly focused on the measuring and analysis of educational disequilibrium in the major ethnic regions of China from the view of statistics. The thesis is divided into six sections. The first section gives a brief introduction about the purpose and the meaning of the topic, the related research summary, objects, methods and data recourses as well as the major contributions. The second section established an index to quantitatively measure the degree of educational disequilibrium in ethnic regions, including the principles of indexes selection and the establishment of the main measure index. Section3,4and5are main contributions of the thesis. Two indexes--years of education per capita and Gini coefficient of education are employed here to the analysis. Then, in order to investigate the educational development and disequilibrium on the major ethnic regions of China, a comprehensively comparative and cluster analysis is explored. Multiple regression analysis is used in the thesis by taking Gini coefficient of education as independent variables and urban-rural income ratio, the proportion of education funding per GDP and secondary school enrollment rate as dependent variables. A quantitative analysis for the uneven degree of education of ethnic areas is also engaged. Our results suggested that there is a big gap between ethnic regions and the whole nation on education development, and education in China exhibited a serious imbalance. The income gaps, uneven allocation of education resources and enrollments rate are the three possible reasons which caused the deficiency of ethnic education. Finally, suggestions for policy making are provided based on the result of quantitatively factors analysis.
Keywords/Search Tags:ethnic areas, the balance of education, average educationalyears, educational gini coefficient
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