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Influences And Counter Measures Of Green Trade Barrier On Chinese Agricultural Products Export

Posted on:2012-03-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2219330371950863Subject:International Trade
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of global economic integration and trade liberalization, the traditional tariff barriers have decreased gradually, and the Green Trade Barrier (GTB) including green technical standard, green custom and green allowance has become the main obstacle of foreign trade. In order to protect domestic market, the western developed countries build GTB to carry out serious restrict for Chinese agricultural products export in the name of protecting earth environment and safeguarding health and safety of human being and animal. This kind of GTB has brought enormous influences on China's international trade in the way of rationalization in name, legitimacy in form, and concealment in protection etc. As a kind of weak industrial, agriculture can be influenced by green barrier more easily.In recent years, green barrier has become the biggest toll-gate to China's agricultural product export, and bought massive pressure and serious challenge to it. China is a big agricultural country and agricultural product trade accounts for a large share in China's total export. Therefore, with the background of a new trade protection tendency, it is exigent that we deeply study the green barriers existing in our country's agricultural product export to breakthrough the green barriers and expand China's export of agricultural product, granting China's agricultural product a favorable position in international competition.On the basis of existing studies, the thesis analyzes the status and influence of the Green Trade Barriers to agricultural products export thoroughly and systematically by the method of theoretical and empirical analysis. Finally the thesis summarizes the counter measures on how to evade the GTB.The thesis consists of five chapters:Chapter One introduces the study objective and significance of the Green Trade Barriers, and summarizes the domestic and foreign research situation. Chapter Two gives the concept of Green Trade Barriers, deeply analyzes the generating background, characteristic and representation of it. Chapter Three studies the effects that the green barriers brought to our agricultural products trade, and carries out a study on it by using both qualitative and quantitative analysis. Chapter Four separately introduces the agricultural green trade barriers of China's main export markets in Japan, European Union and America. Further, on the basis of the analysis above, Chapter Five proposes the concrete measures to break through the Green Trade Barriers in our country.The analysis of the thesis shows that the Green Trade Barriers have two sides of effect, we should make full use of its positive effects and avoid its negative effects, and resolving Green Trade Barriers thoroughly by taking a series of practical counter measures, for example:to develop new packaging materials actively, guiding by sustainable development of agriculture, go industrialization and green way; to perfect the system of quality standard and testing of agricultural products, which is the guarantee to break through GTB by establishing traceability management system of product quality safety; to use useful experience from developed countries for reference so as to better our system of sanitation and quarantine; to actively participate in constituting international standards for initiative; to encourage certification of agricultural products so as to improve their quality etc.
Keywords/Search Tags:Agricultural product export, Green Trade Barrier, Counter measure, Influence
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