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A Studay Of Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory From The Adjustment Of The Scentence Strucures In The Version Of Lin’s Translation

Posted on:2010-08-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X GengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330374495449Subject:Japanese Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper summarizes the functional equivalence theory and sentence structural adjustment principle by Eugene.A.Nida, a linguists and translation theorist. By analyzing the specific examples, Nida’s translation theory was applied, demonstrated evaluated and developed in this study. As a open system,Nida’s translation theory is developing and improving with each passing day, which made this paper from theory to practice becoming feasible. Lin Shaohua’s translation book-"Botchan", resonated with Nida’s functional equivalence translation theory. With deep cultural foundation and unique translation skills,"Botchan" is widely accepted and understood by Chinese people. In"Botchan", translation reproduced the original information and style. The expression line with the original meaning perfectly. The content and form is close to the original naturally. All this has been loved by readers and reached a high level of reciprocity. The comparative analysis in four "Botchan" Chinese translation about sentence structure adjustment is main purpose of this paper.With probe the successes and failures of sentence structure adjustment in Lin’s translation,to explore the reflection and new contributions on Nida’s functional equivalence theory. Research on Nida’s Functional Equivalence translation theory have reflected:The success of structural adjustment on the Nida’s Functional translation Equivalence is high relevance, strong practicality and operability in practical translation. The new contribution on Nida’s functional equivalence theory:From the errors of sentence structure adjustment derived how to retain the original from the right side,which is the direction of Functional equivalence translation theory when self-innovation and development. Form itself should be paid attention, as it is a important tool to achieve functional equivalence translation. To change the form and to retain the form are both good methods for functional equivalence translation, and a good translation should be keeping spirit in present. The thesis is divided into three parts:Part one is introduction. This part summarizes the research background, objective, meaning and method. First, an overview on the numerous translation standards of China and the development of Nida’s translation theory were outlined. The study of development at home and abroad was refered too. Second, an introduction on the Chinese translation of Natsume Soseki’s novel "Botchan" and previous studies were reviewed. Third, the objective,meaning, method and article structure of this paper were summarized.Part two is main text. Chapter one expounds the Nida’s functional equivalence translation theory and his view of language. Chapter two introduces the importance of adjustment in sentence structure, Lin Shaohua’s view of translation and the characteristics of Lin’s translation. Chapter three and four is a comparative studies on four "Botchan" translation from five parts,including language order, affirmation and negation, active structure and passive structure, omission and omission fill, implicit relations. Chapter five introduces the functional equivalence translation theory from both positive side and negative side in Lin’s translation. Scientific and instructive were reflected in Lin’s translation, which make a new contribution on the functional equivalence translation theory in practice.Part three is conclusion. To face the supporters and opponents for Nida’s translation theory, this paper deem Nida’s translation theory system is an open development system. As open development character, Nida himself also have been perfecting his theory hardly.We should treat the theory with comprehensive standpoint:neither intercept a certain period of his theory, nor a theory from part of the discussion.If we want the entire translation research development,completing the Nida’s translation theory is half the answer.The other half has to find the developing direction. Lin Shaohua’s translation is a practice in sentence of structural adjustment, which can be said a exploration and a innovation in the translation of Nida’s functional equivalent theory on structural adjustment. How to establish more scientific theories to guide the translation on literary works in practice? This issue remains a goal for the further research.
Keywords/Search Tags:nida, translation theory, functional equivalence, adjustment ofsentence structural
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