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A Report On English-Chinese Translation Of Business News In The Economist From The Perspective Of Nida's Functional Equivalence Theory

Posted on:2020-12-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z M Y JiangFull Text:PDF
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Currently,exchanges and communications in various fields such as politics and economy are intensified worldwide.Among all these interactions,economic communication is the top priority.English,a language that covers almost every corner of the world,has no doubt become a bridge to achieve communication.Although there are many platforms including televisions and broadcasting to get to know international market,English business news is of greater importance because western countries represented by the United States take the lead in world economy and economic research.Due to the fact that Chinese differ from each other in terms of English proficiency,there is an urgent need to translate English business news.This thesis adopts Nida's functional equivalence theory which advocates two principles: accuracy and reader-orientedness.The former refers to the idea that the translator shall convey the original meaning and the latter means that target readers and original readers shall have the same response to the texts.In addition,the translation version shall meet the reading habits and expectation of target readers.Business news in The Economist is a kind of informative text which focuses on correctly transmitting ideas and opinion.Meanwhile,readers shall also be taken into consideration,which coincides with principles of functional equivalence theory.Therefore,this theory can be used as the guidance for translating business news in The Economist.In order to solve the problems the author encountered during the translation practice and under the guidance of Nida's functional equivalence theory,the author adopted several translation methods at both lexical and syntactic level.At the lexical level,the author adopted literal translation,amplification,omission and annotation.At the syntactic level,translation strategies include making the logic explicit,dividing long sentences and adjusting sentence order.In the conclusion part,the author also analyzed what she had learned and what needs to be done further from this translation experience,thinking that Nida's functional equivalence theory can be the guidance for translating the business news in The Economist.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Economist, Nida's functional equivalence theory, accuracy, readerorientedness
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