According to Skopos theory, translation is a kind of human activity as well as a purposeful action based on a source text and the prime principle determining translation process is the purpose (skopos) of the overall translational action. Consequently, the criterion of a translation depends largely on whether it "adequately" accomplishes the purpose (skopos) of the overall translational action. This is what Skopos theory holds. As a breakthrough with the traditional idea of equivalence and an essential complement to translation studies, Skopos theory opens up a new perspective for translation theory and practice.Translation is not only a transcoding action, but also a cross-cultural communication. During the process of cultural communication, cultural differences lead to cultural default which further causes the losses of cultural information. Differences in cultures constitute the necessity of translation, so it is impossible to translate every aspect of words expressions in the source text into the target text. Therefore, translation compensation is an unavoidable and effective way of compensating cultural losses, and should be taken into consideration by each translator.With china’s increasing economic development, we are having more and more contact and communication with the outside world. During the process of cultural exchange and international communication, translation as an indispensible medium plays a very important role. Chinese culture-loaded words embody the richness of traditional Chinese culture and directly or indirectly reflect its uniqueness. Therefore, it is of great importance for the Chinese translators to do their best to preserve the uniqueness of Chinese culture and transmit it to the outside world. Only in this way can Chinese cultural identity be established in the era of globalization. Due to the differences between Chinese culture and western culture, the translation of Chinese culture-loaded words has always been treated as a difficulty. In view of this, the author of this thesis holds that it is necessary and important to study the successful translation compensation methods of Chinese culture-loaded words, which will contribute to promote cultural exchange and international communication between china and western countries.Under the guidance of Skopos theory, along with the relevant theories and principles on translation compensation, this thesis, based on the data analysis, analyses the translated text of Fortress Besieged and concludes the following six translation compensation methods employed by the translators in the process of translating Chinese culture-loaded words:transliteration, annotation, amplification, generalization, specification and substitution. Then, the author further probes into the factors influencing the choice of translation compensation methods in translating:the purpose of translation, the role of translators, text types and target receivers. |