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The Construction Of Ecological Ethics In The Framework Of Scientific Outlook On Development

Posted on:2014-01-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330398451191Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Human as a unique species of life on Earth has more than300million years.After thelast few hundred years of development, the size of the population has reached its peak.However the growth of population has not brought about the improvement of the ecologicalenvironment quality, In contrast, we are facing the ecological environment of serious crisis,and it has developed the point that we must do something to prevent it. There is a greatrelationship between the emergence of ecological crisis and the lack of an ecological ethicssystem. There are have lots of ecological ethics theory that can help the construction ofecological ethics in the scientific outlook on development.In this situation, this article will explore ways and means of the construction of ecologicalethics. In the scientific outlook on development, we can find lots of useful and beneficialtheory and thought to provide the clue to solve the problem, and can fully discussed theimplementation of the method and prospects, In the framework of the construction ofecological ethics.This article is divided into five main sections. The first section are mainly expound thatthe concepts and the previous achievements; The second section are discuss that the ancientand modern times of ecological ethics theory; The third section are expound that the reason ofthe emergence of ecological crisis and the reflection of ethics of the ecological crisis. And thelast section is most important that discuss that explore ways and means of the construction ofecological ethics.The last section is divided to three parts, The first part is talk about that theclue in the ecological ethics theory; and the second part is talk about that the principles of theconstruction of ecological ethics in the framework; the last part is talk about some specificand detailed ways and means, for example the exploration of the relationship between humanand land,System of ecological civilization and so on.
Keywords/Search Tags:Scientific outlook on development, Ecological ethics, Ecological crisis, Reflection Construction
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