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Relationship Between Yuan Hu Fiction And The Modernity Of Chinese Literature

Posted on:2014-02-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330398954181Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, modernity has become a hot topic in global academiccircle, but its concept is not clear yet. The contradictoriness of theconcept makes the research of modernity become a complicatedinterdisciplinary problem. From1990s, modernity has become a keywordin Chinese literary. Many scholars applied this theory to interpret literaryworks. Li Hanqiu is the representative writer of Yuanyang Hudie. He waspraised as the first novelist of the early Republic of China. In his50yearsfrom the late Qing Dynasty to the early Republic of China, he had left somany literary works for later generations. Li Hanqiu was a productivewriter, and most of his works are novels which also include poetries andnotes. Although he had86works, later generations after him know verylittle about him.This thesis consists of three parts: the introduction, conclusion andthe main parts. Under the conduction of Li Oufan and Wang Dewei’stheory of “the embryology of Chinese Modernity” and the background of the textual researches of the literary works of the late Qing Dynasty andthe early Republic of China, this thesis investigates the modernity facts inLi Hanqiu’s novels from three aspects of ideological and culture、themeand style. And then points out that before the New Literature Movement,the early researches which conducted by the scholars in late QingDynasty and early Republic of China that represented by Li Hanqiucomposed the sprout of modern culture and literature of China. Theintroduction is the main line of this thesis. In the modern context ofmultielements, from the view of Li Oufan and Wang Dewei’s theory of“the embryology of Chinese Modernity” and take Li Hanqiu’s novel as anexemple, this thesis traces back the source of modernity to the late QingDynasty with Foucault’s archaeology of knowledge. The first partinvestigates the modernity of the creative thought and culture in LiHanqiu’s novels from three aspects: the thought of the westernizedculture modernity, the enlightenment thought of modernity and criticalculture of city modernity. The second part analyses the modernity theme in Li Hanqiu’s three types of classic novels, novels about society, familya d love Thethird part discusses the modernity of narration style of Li Hanqiu’s novels.In the process of the discussion of the modernity of narration and style, itproves that the narration style of Li Hanqiu’s novels has the modernityfactors. The conclusion deepens the modernity in Li Hanqiu’s novels, andstates the source of modernity in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:modernity, the embryology of Chinese Modernity, Li Hanqiu, the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, novel
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