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Via Orthogonal Design For "flavored Relieving Soup" Formula Optimization Of The Experimental Group (promoting Blood Circulation To Remove Blood Stasis)

Posted on:2013-10-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2244330395479168Subject:Traditional surgery
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Purpose:To analyse the effect of the activating blood circulation and eliminatingstasis drugs in “Jiawei Tongfu Decoction” whether is primary or secondary.And whether they have the benefit effect between each other. Then we can estimatethe best collocation of the prescription and remove the unnecessary drugs tooptimize the prescription.Material and method:The reagent which used to make the model is5%2,4,6–trinitrobenzensulfonicacid(TNBS)and alcohol. Used the SD rat to make the animal model. Usingan orthogonal form to design the program. Observed macroscopic and pathologicchanges of the rats’ colon. Analysing the drugs in “Jiawei Tongfu Decoction”whether is the primary or secondary. And find out whether they have theinteraction. Then we can estimate the best collocation of the prescription andfind the way to optimize the prescription.Results:Analysing the data of the experiment depend on orthogonal design,The singaldrug in “Jiawei Tongfu Decoction”can promote the recovery of the rats’ colon,Finding the order of the drugs important degree is. B carthami or C salvia>Aangelicae.We get the same conclusion by analysing the data both from grossspecimen and tissue section. But there still some differencies in the data. Wecan find that there is some unbenefit interaction in the combination of eachtwo drugs.The scores of macroscopic observation and pathological observationare basically the same.Conclusion 1.The activating blood circulation and eliminating stasis drugs of “JiaweiTongfu Decoction” were indispensable.2. The important degree order of the group of activating blood circulationand eliminating stasis drugs in “Jiawei Tongfu Decoction” is B carthami orC salvia>A angelicae.3. There is some unbenefit interaction in the activating blood circulationand eliminating stasis drugs in “Jiawei Tongfu Decoction”. It cann’t improvethe effect of treatment to the ulcerative colitis.4.In further experiment,Reducing the kinds or dosage of the drugs to findthe best collocation of the prescription.
Keywords/Search Tags:ulcerative colitis, orthogonal design, experimental research, activating blood circulation and eliminating stasis drugs
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