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The Analysis Of The Census Register Case Of Chenghai’s Lawsuits Against Two Public Security Bureau Of Beijing And Hefei

Posted on:2013-07-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D D ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330371986527Subject:Administrative law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Our country’s current household registration system established in binary division and migration restrictions, it makes an insuperable barrier between urban and rural.Famers, migrant works and citizens are difficult to enjoy the same rights and protection, census register system is thus regarded as a source of injustice. In thirty years’time, our country’s local governments have make reforms on household register under the guidance of national unity police. The core of the reform focused on building cancel about agriculture registered permanent residence unified household registration system,to realize rural population and city population are treated equally.In the process,there’s a phenomenon, it is that the protection on floating population form other cities. In the final analysis, is the transfer of residence restriction leads to unfair distribution of social resources and the basis rights of citizens are not equal. The lack of constitution on our citizen’s migration freedom is the essential matter. In this article, the selected cases come from the perspective.This article makes Chenghai sue Beijing and Hefei two public security bureaus account transfer case as the starting point. Firstly, it sketches two trial results and decision basis, and introduces the disagreements so that make analysis on both sides.The trial process reflected china’s current domiciliary legislation exists in the laws, inferior and superior law conflict and the issues to be discussed. Finally,the author’s opinion:popularizing the centralized reform,we can consider the household registration. Only if under the unity of the legal system can we eliminate the problem brought by putting down the act of one’s own free. The author aims to attract,talk about same of his own ideas. Hoping that the jurisprudence can make the household legislation come to its own,while,not only make some simple measures.wish the article can accelerate its paces relate to legislation and provide some useful advices.
Keywords/Search Tags:the household registration system, registered permanent residence migratory, migration liberty, article of residence registration
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