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The Study Of Chinese Harmonious Diplomacy Under The Background Of World Political Structure Develop Deep To Multi-polarization In New Century

Posted on:2013-03-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W M XiongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330371992663Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Into the new century, the international relation is undergoing profound changes and regulate, which brings important influence to development of international structure. Multipolarization of the world is inevitable trend for the development of21century. Now, the allegation of building multipolar world gets more and more support from international society. Imbalance development of economy and movement of comprehensive national strength lead political lopsidedly developing at a certain extent, which brings impact to international political structure and speedups the development of the world political structure to multi-polarization. The development of world economic globalization works the world economy to several centers. These centers change the international political structure to multi-polarization. World multi-polarization contains two meanings, which are power equalization balance among power Countries and Countries group and balance with all power centers. The essences of world multi-polarization are democratization in the relations between countries, equalization in world affairs and every Country can choose development mode by itself. The world affairs can’t be decided or administered by one great power or several powers, which must be administered by all nations.With the emerging nation springing and western powers declining relatively, the world multi-polarization into the deep development phase. During this critical period, the Chinese diplomacy has been adjusted with the times, and the concept of harmonious diplomacy has been timely put forward. The concept of harmony advocated by Chinese harmonious diplomacy does not rule out differences and confrontation. Harmony is the diverse unity, organic link and order. Harmony means the process from conflict to fusion, and then the generation of new things, and the development of two conflict things to a higher stage. The basic characteristic of harmony is the unity of the opposing factors, Coordination of the uncoordinated factors. Harmonious diplomacy aims to resolve conflicts through international cooperation, realize the democracy and equality of international relationships, participate in global governance actively, and pay more attention to the needs of developing countries especially the least developed countries so as to adapt to the needs of the in-depth development of international multi-polarization. As to the solution to international affairs, harmonious diplomacy advocates to solve international disputes and bilateral or multilateral conflicts by means of peace negotiation and diplomacy. Currently, on one hand, although international multi-polarization has gained the in-depth development, the contradiction between multilateralism and unilateralism has become more apparent. As the sole superpower in the fields of economy, science and technology, and military, the United States pursues unilateralism from the perspective of its world strategy. China, Russia, the EU and the developing countries recognize the reality that the international situation is becoming multi-polar, and endorse the policy orientation of multilateralism. Thus, the contradiction between multilateralism and unilateralism has become more apparent. On the other hand, the objective development of multi-polarization trend has asked the urgent requirements of stimulating the democratization of international relations, and thus making the international political order evolve towards a fair, reasonable direction.Harmonious diplomacy not only has to comply with the requirements of multipolar development of the era, that is, to expand consensus by treating each other equally, seeking commonalities while reserving differences, to seek win-win situation through cooperation and consultation, to live in harmony by enhancing friendship, but also deal with the issues such as how to resolve the conflicts of unilateralism of the superpower, and expand new areas of diplomacy. Therefore, how to enable China to take an active role in international affairs as a cooperator and constructor through harmonious diplomacy to build a stable, peaceful, equal and just international order and to promote the in-depth development of the international polarization has become the main content of this study.
Keywords/Search Tags:world multi-polarization, harmonious diplomatism, power
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