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Establishment Of The Authority Of Communist Patry Of China In Jin-Cha-Ji Boundary Area During The Anti-Japanese War

Posted on:2013-04-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N YaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330395454076Subject:Chinese Communist Party
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Authority is an universal social phenomenon who arise with the gradually developmentof human society. Authority combined with political parties makes political party authority.On the political significance, political party authority is always explained from theperspective of the ruling party. Communist Party of China as a proletarian party, his partyauthority establishing process has its particularity. This process is synchronous with theprocess of seizure of power. In other words, precisely because of the established authority ofsuch political party, only to open up a way to seize power. This particularity can be explainedby the justice and legitimacy of the revolution.In this paper,“authority” mainly refers to the prestige the Chinese Communist Partybuild up in the majority of people, as well as people’s intrinsic identity and obedience to thisprestige, on the political and moral significance, in the long-term revolutionary practice. Inshort, the problem of “authority” is that of how the Communist Party of China get recognizedand accepted by the people and how this recognition and acceptance is turned into the trustand obedience on the universal significance in the period of democratic revolution. On thebase of considerably exhaustively defining the theoretical connotation of “authority”, thispaper will historically analyze the party’s authority establishing process in Jin-Cha-JiBoundary Area with the theory of authority. Of course, studying this history course is notequivalent to describing the history in Jin-Cha-Ji Boundary Area in the general sense. Thispaper is more on the view of the relationship between the Chinese Communist Party and thepeople to discuss the influence from party’s line, principles and policies on people, as well aspeople’s recognition, support and advocacy.Jin-Cha-Ji Boundary Area, the first anti-Japanese base founded by the Communist Partyof China during the Anti-Japanese War, was once known as the Central Committee’s “modelanti-Japanese base and model United Front model district”. Its establishment, consolidationand development played the role of “fortress” in encouraging chinese people to continue theAnti-Japanese War in North China behind enemy lines and the whole nation. AlthoughJin-Cha-Ji Boundary Area established during the war, the party’s work is not limited to leading the people in struggling against the enemy, but including the social reform,construction of politics, army, economy and so forth. In a sense, the establishment ofJin-Cha-Ji Boundary Area was a bold attempt by Communist Party of China in regimeconstruction, armed struggle, economic planning and cultural development. The CommunistParty of China gradually gained public recognition and support in the long-term practice,therefore its party authority established.At the early stage of the war, faced with complex historical circumstances—the Japaneseinvasion and social turmoil, the Communist Party of China was in the urgent need ofestablishing regime in Jin-Cha-Ji Boundary Area to better organizing, mobilizing the peoplein Anti-Japanese activities. An anti-Japanese democratic regime was supposed to beestablished rapidly, and the course itself was the start point of building the party’s authority.Because Jin-Cha-Ji Boundary Area is in the front line of Anti-Japanese war, in many timesfights against enemy’s siege, soldiers and civilians’s unity was promoted and the authority ofthe party was consolidated. Meanwhile, the border region government promoted economicconstruction and production development to consolidate and expand the anti-Japanese baseareas. The implementation of a series of policies and measures provided a reliable guaranteefor the development of various undertakings in this area, and enormously improved the party’spolitical status. Besides, the culture undertaking was also booming, which enabled the party togradually bring together the forces and people’s hearts through Anti-Japanese War culturalpropaganda, as a result the authority of the party further enhanced.In the review of the process of the establishment of the party’s authority in Jin-Cha-JiBoundary Area during the Anti-Japanese war, some basic experience could be gained:adhering to Marx political ideology is a must, so is the political practice of combining basicprinciples of Marxism with the specific situation in China, and the political philosophy ofgoverning for the people ’s benefits. At present, in the cause of developing socialism withChinese characteristics, the authority of the party, the fundamental guarantee for our unity andblazing new trails and forging ahead, should be maintained.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jin-Cha-Ji, Authority Party’s authority, Historical analysis, Basicexperience
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