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Close Party-mass Relationship New-democratic Revolution Of The Communist Party Of China

Posted on:2013-10-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P H ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330395490547Subject:Chinese Communist Party
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
To construct the harmonious society in the new period involved many relationship, one of the most basic, the most important relationship is the Chinese communist party and the people’s relationship, namely the relationship between."The relationship between the essence of the ruling party is of the legitimacy of our party, according to saying that solve consolidate class foundation, expand the problem of mass base."’To its mass base of thorough research, is the study of the relationship between the important content. Mass base as the breakthrough point, to the new democratic revolution period, the party-mass relationship investigation to explore this party in expanding public foundation, the close relationship between the basic experience, and seek to under the new situation to construct the harmonious relationship between the value of the enlightenment.This article from five aspects:the first part is the introduction, the main topic of this project basis and the significance, the research present situation and the existing problems is expounded, clarify this topic research academic background and value. The second part explain the connotation of mass base, as its mass base as the breakthrough point investigation the relationship between the theory of construction for support. The third part is the focus of this project, based on the party to expanding public basic understanding and practice on as the main line of the new-democratic revolution of the communist party of China’s handling of the relationship between the historical analysis. The fourth part for the difficulty of this topic, and explore the new-democratic revolution party in expanding public foundation, the close relationship between the basic experience and on under the new situation to construct the harmonious relationship between the value of the enlightenment. The fifth part is the epilogue, to sum up the subject.This paper tries to innovative points:first, in the research object to its mass base as a research perspective on, to enrich the new-democratic revolution of the relationship between the theoretical horizons. Second, in the research content to the new democratic revolution as the research background of times, based on the party to expanding public basic understanding and practice on the main line of new-democratic revolution of the communist party of China to deal with the relationship between the historical research of, illustrates the constant expansion of its mass base on the relationship between the important significance of constructing. Third, in the research method, guided by the scientific development concept, and using the political science, history, etc of interdisciplinary theory and method, the more open the new-democratic revolution period the investigation of the relationship between the theoretical horizons.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mass base, Party-mass relationship, The new democratic revolution
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