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New Non-farm Rural Migrant Workers In Daily Practice In The Society And Social Identity

Posted on:2013-10-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J YuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The problem of rural migrant workers is under the special background of social and history changes in China. Academic research focused on those migrant workers into urban or big city. But, as a result of the special historical development environment in China, the rural population and the labor force not only migrate into city, but also into the developed rural areas. Because these areas are undergoing the social change such as modernization and non-agriculturalization, it has often been ignored for lack of specific social features. Thus, accompanied by the process of non-agricultural employment opportunity provide to the migrant works, this migrant workers group also be ignored by the academic research.This research pays attention to those migrant workers who do not into urban or big city but into developed rural areas, and adopts the rural changes area as the research background. Based on the qualitative fieldwork method and the firsthand field work information, this research tries to describe and interpret the daily practice of those migrant workers, furthermore to analysis their social identity situation.Through the field work and the analysis, we may finally find that: on one hand, the migrant workers in rural area is obviously isolated to the local community, they wandering in a distant land far from home and living closed and independent; on the other hand, the developed rural areas which in the process of non-agricultural and modernization show a specific social format:one town but two world, its economy structure is on the gradual opening, but its social structure and cultural remains fairly closed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural changes, Rural migrant workers, Daily practice, Socialrelation networks, Social identity
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