Since the beginning of the1990s, the North Korea Nuclear Crisis has become one of the focuses during the course of multilateral diplomacy interaction. After about twenty-year diplomatic Negotiations and struggles among China, USA, North Korea, the Republic of Korea, Russia and Japan, including the involving of the international organizations such as UN, EU and IAEA, the Crisis is still in dilemma that the once-formed multilateral consultations and dialogue mechanism has also been fallen into stagnation.Because of the complex and longtime relations among geography, history and politics, meanwhile considering the potential threat of the Korean Peninsula issue to Chinese economic development, Asian safety and the world peace, the Chinese diplomatic policies to the North Korea Nuclear Crisis has become the focus that all the countries paid attention to, and must deeply influenced the safety and stability of the Korean Peninsula and even the Northeast Asian Area. How to discuss and reflect the Chinese diplomatic polices on the North Korea Nuclear issue in the view of the realistic politics has become the most important factor that will influence our government’s diplomatic decision-making in the future. Based on these thoughts, the Social Amplification of Risk Framework (SARF) of crisis management in the area of policy analysis was adopted by my thesis to integrate traditional diplomatic policy analysis theories, and to discuss our government’s diplomatic policies and their changing process during three times North Korea Nuclear Crises, which may give some new clues and suggestions to our government on the choice of diplomatic policies on the North Korea Nuclear Crisis in the future.The SARF thinks that risk events will continuously interact with the history, society, systems, culture, and psychological status of individual and collective actors, which might amplify or decrease the different perception of different actors to the same risk event, and then form their different action strategies. Conversely, the actions of different actors in the crisis context will also induce to new social, economic and policy results, which might lead to the more large-scale public crisis and the action strategy adjustment of the relevant actors in the special policy area.Therefore, this thesis thinks that the SARF in fact has fully consider the deep influence of bureaucratic political structures, interest groups, the domestic and abroad factors, the personality of policy makers, and the psychological status to policy-making process, and could be tentatively used to integrate traditional diplomatic policy analysis schools in the area of international relations to construct a new analyzing framework. Of course, because the application of SARF in the international politics is an experiment, my thesis will refine and explain all kinds of factors that have important influence on Chinese diplomatic policy making and how these factors get into our government’s diplomatic policy-making process through three times North Korea Nuclear Crises, with taking the crises situations of three times North Korea Nuclear issue as its specific content, taking the historical clue of the Korean Peninsula issue as its institutional context. |