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Ecological View Of Marxism Horizon, Lao Tze Ecological Ethics Research

Posted on:2013-03-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G Y ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330395984374Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China’s ecological civilization construction is inseparable fromMarx’s guidance, but also inseparable from the Chinese traditionalculture. From Marx’s theory of ecological concept of Lao Tze’secological ethics point of view, I thought to undertake an analysis, cannot only enrich and development of Marx’s theory of content, but alsobetter take Marx theory and Chinese traditional culture and social reality.This article from the ecological thought of Marx from the perspective ofLao Tze’s ecological ethics. First of all from the" Tao" is Lao Tze’sthought of ecological ethics foundation of world view, equality of allthings is Lao Tze’thought of ecological ethics value premise, nature ofthe Tao is Lao Tze’s thought of ecological ethics norms etc.. Pointed outon this foundation Lao Tze’s thought of ecological ethics on theconstruction of modern ecological civilization theoretical contributionand limitation. Finally, combined with the ecological civilizationconstruction of China is actual, pointed out Marx’s ecologicalperspective Lao Tze’s thought of ecological ethics ecologicalcivilization construction of China in the enlightenment, that Lao Tze’sthought of ecological ethics for us to overcome ecological alienation,the construction of ecological civilization, to update development idea,the implementation of sustainable development and changes in consumption,construction is managing model the society has profound realisticsignificance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ecological thought of Marx, Lao Tze’s ecological thought, Ecological civilization
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