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Network Public Opinions And The Popular Will

Posted on:2014-02-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development and popularization of the Internet has made changes on thetraditional social hierarchy and its structure. The unitive and solidified previous valuesystem has been broken, which made people lost unified behavior guide, andgradually become dispersed, isolated existent like atomic type. The virtualenvironment of Network adapted to the netizens ‘stealthiness’ characteristics, peoplebegan to use the network as an open platform to express opinions and emotions.Become an unity of information publisher and recipient. Monopoly position oftraditional media in shaping public opinion guide has been broken, network mediabecome one of the important channels of public opinion expression rely on itsconvenience, direct, open characteristics. Network public opinion draws muchattention as an important part of public opinion, and become the important form ofpublic opinion expression.This paper combine theory and case, first of all, through the analysis of theconstitution characteristics of netizens, orientation features and network issues toexplore the public opinion basis of China’s network public opinion. Secondly, throughthe the rational and irrational sides to analyse China’s network public opinionexpression of public opinion, further discussed the form and degree of China’snetwork public opinion in current social background, which demonstrates the functionand meaning of the expression of public opinion. Finally, the author by analyzing theopen and limit of China’s network public opinion how to put impact on the expressionof public opinion, and put forward proposal of constructing new pattern of networkpublic opinion,‘harmonious public opinion field’. The author discuss the relation ofnetwork public opinion and public opinion expression, combining case analysisconcluded that the network public opinion has become an important form of thepublic opinion expression, and bring reality influence on public events which can notbe neglected; rational public opinion expression of network public opinion can promote information publicize and accelerate the process of political civilization anddemocratic legislative system, however, there are a lot of restraining factor. Thefunction of network public opinion expression of public opinion is limited. To makethe network public opinion towards more rational development must be combinedwith the present our country’s basic national conditions, set up effective harmoniousto express public opinion of network public opinion environment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Network public opinions, The popular will, Harmonious field ofpublic opinion
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