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The Investigation Of Present Situation And Countermeasure For Physical Fitness Activities Of The Elderly In Chongqing Main City

Posted on:2013-10-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Q ShangFull Text:PDF
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Since the founding of PRC, especially after the reform and opening up, withcontinuous improvement in people’s living standards, the increasing treatment in manyaspects such as social welfare and medical treatment, the physical quality and fitness ofthe whole population has been greatly improved. Naturally, a man’s life will be extended.In1999, China formally entered the aging society, and became one of the earliestdeveloping countries to enter the aging society[21]. Related data show that ChongqingCity has entered the aging society at the end of1994, which was5years earlier than theother countries in China. The sixth national census results show that in the residentpopulation of Chongqing, people aged60and older reach5.13million, accounting16.32%of the city’s population; people aged65and older reach3.3341million,accounting11.56%of the total population[22]. Both of these results are much higher thanthe percentage in which people aged60and older accounting13.26%and people aged65and older8.87%of the national population. According to these data, the problem ofthe city’s aging population turns out to be more serious, and it has already been anunavoidable problem in our social life. The problem that how to keep such a largenumber of the elderly away from disease and aging is not only a challenge that liesbefore Chongqing but also a task that lies before the national Government at all levels inChina. This paper survey investigates present situation of sports activities of the elderlyin urban area of Chongqing, and lets us know the dynamics and limitations of thesports of the elderly in urban area of Chongqing. At the same time, in connection withthe unique cultural characteristics of Chongqing City, we can analyze their causes andidentify appropriate solutions. It not only provide feasible suggestions to implement thepolicy of "health Chongqing” better and solve the health problems of the elderly inChongqing, but also supply data reference theory to settle the problem of aging societybetter.With the combination of scientific research methods such as documentary analysis,questionnaire investigations and mathematical statistic and system analysis methods,this article makes a questionnaire survey of630elder people of450families in thenine districts of Chongqing City. And then systematically and scientifically analyze thecurrent situation of sports activities of the elderly in urban area of Chongqing. Withrelevant information and successful experiences at home and abroad, it proposes the idea of reform of the existing deficiencies in the physical activity in urban area ofChongqing. Through the investigation came to the following conclusions:The problems in physical fitness activities of the elderly in Chongqing main city:①The results of investigations show that among the old people who participate inphysical exercises in the main urban area of Chongqing, there are a large amount oldpeople who suffer a variety of different diseases in their body and, in general, turn out tohave worse physical conditions. Consequently, the health problems of the elderly in ourcity have become the first issue which should be resolved of the city’s development.②Physical activity has become one of the necessities of daily life of the elderly inurban area of Chongqing. Participating in physical fitness activities, the elderlygenerally have a positive and health motivation and a clear intention. However, thespontaneous forms of combination are still dominant of their physical training. Thereisn’t a unitary organization to guide physical fitness exercises of the elderly.③Because the unique landscape of Chongqing makes a comparative lack of sportvenues, the places of exercises mainly focus on the nearby or free public places such asthe clearing or open park plaza. Although the community gradually starts to become oneof the main places for activities of the elderly in our city, the poor general condition ofcommunity sports fitness centers still does not fully meet the physical fitness activitiesof the elderly.④There is a small quantity of existing operational Sports Centre which isspecifically for older people in our city. Meanwhile, since the old people’s ConsumptionConcept of spend money on health is not strong; there is a little consumption on sports.Though physical exercises are reasonable and various, there are some insufficiencies,such as blindly selection of projects, the irrational time of sports.⑤With the debut of the policy of “Health Chongqing”, physical exercises of theelderly in Chongqing have been showing a good momentum of development in recentyears. However, there are many constraints in the development process, which not onlyare from the elderly themselves, but also from external environment, society and otherfactors.Having researching and analyzing the above questions systematically, we cansafely draw countermeasures and suggestions as follows:①To enhance elderly people’s awareness of sports knowledge and to initiate themwith sports skills.②On the one hand, to increase financial input in sports and to use the resources reasonably; on the other hand, we should enhance functional department’s strength ofmanagement and administration.③By improving their treatment, we can attract some competent professional sportssocial instructors to develop the sports skeleton team.④To create and improve social security system. What we should do is to narrowthe income gap between the old and to increase the investment of old people activities.⑤We should attach importance to supervising and guiding the old while they doexercises. By cultivating their interesting in participation, let more elderly participate inphysical exercises on their own initiatives.⑥In order to strengthen communication among the old, we also should developvarious kinds of community activities.⑦Pay attention to the cultivation of the referee...
Keywords/Search Tags:Chongqing downtown area, the old people’s physical fitness, the currentsituation, development strategy
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