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University Talent Cultivation Mode Optimization Research

Posted on:2013-05-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330371484280Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After the popularization of high education in China, the talent cultivation model cannot demand the society and market, every university faces the pressure of talent cultivation and occupation in recent years. So under the view of college students’ employment, guided by the theory of the talent cultivation model and high education, using systematical idea, integrated theory and practice studies, the dissertation has the importance on studying the talent cultivation model in learning university.The talent cultivation model is composed of four factors, i.e. target, requirement, program, method of cultivation. Through analysis of distance measuring model for talent cultivation, it can be found that there have differences between the actual result and expectation of talent cultivation in university, which is disadvantageous for the realization of talent cultivation model. Through further empirical study, there exist obvious differences among teacher, student, employing unit on the talent evaluation and estimation, which of the teacher are higher than others. Through empirical study, it also can find that among the four constitutional factors, the main factor that influences quality of talent cultivation and that is the most dissatisfactory one of the student is the program of talent cultivation.Through further empirical study, it can find that there are obvious differences among teacher, student, employing unit on whether colleges pay attention to students’ employment. Most of students think that lacking the relevant working experience and practice experience is the most important reason to give rise to lacking employment abilities. Under the view of students’ employment, the dissertation put forward the talent cultivation model of high education under the view of the competency students’ employability. The competency model of students’employability is composed of threshold competence and differentiating competence. Dominant ability includes two dimensions, which are post management ability and interpersonal management ability. Tacit ability includes four dimensions, which are self-management skills, adventure innovation ability, flexible logistics and task management ability. Then, take effort to offer proposals to optimize separately the talent cultivation from the four factors.This paper mainly divided into five parts, including introduction, basic concept and related literature review, the empirical study under the view of college students’ employment the talent cultivation, construction optimization the talent cultivation mode, conclusion and prospect, etc.
Keywords/Search Tags:colleges and universities, the talent cultivation model, Employment, optimize
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