In order to adapt the basic educational revolution, the learningplan(LP) appeared in1995. It has shown great life energy up to nowand is always being improved with teaching and learning theoriesdeveloping. So it’s very necessary to launch the research oninstructional design (ID)of LP in the context of the new Englishcurriculum reform in Senior High School. How to design and make akind of LP which can effectively direct the students to learnautonomously has become a main subject being researched bymany teachers in schools. This paper describes how to design andmake this kind of plan based on constructivist LP to provide amodel for English Autonomous LP in Senior High School to bedesigned and made.This topic includes five chapters, the main contents of whichare listed as follows.Chapter1introduces the background, the purposes and thesignificance of the research and also the research path andmethods which includes literature, questionnaire and educational experimentation.Chapter2states the research status at home and aboard andtheoretical basis about the ID of English autonomous LP in SeniorHigh School. There is more research on English autonomous LPand ID at home and aboard but less research about combining LPwith ID under the constructivist learning environment and muchless research on English subject of the Senior High School. Thetheoretical basis includes constructivism, ID based onconstructivism, the zone of proximal development theory and theadvance organizer teaching strategy and Humanism LearningTheory.Chapter3introduces the ID of English LP in Senior High School,which includes the principles and model of the design, thecomponents of the LP and two cases of the design. The two casesinclude paper and multimedia LP of the same reading lesson. Themodel is the emphasis of this chapter, which includes6parts: todetermine the learning subject, to analyze the learning aims, toanalyze the learning contents, to analyze the characteristics of thelearners, to design the autonomous learning and to evaluate thelearning results. Autonomous learning includes5parts: to designthe learning context, resources, strategies, collaboration andpractice. Chapter4introduces the educational experimentationlaunched with the English LP in Senior High School, which includes4parts: the experimental hypothesis and questions, design, datastatistics and analysis and the results. Through thisexperimentation, the writer finds that the students can improvetheir learning results with this kind of LP and at the same time,their abilities of autonomous learning and their learning interestsand habits while learning English have improved.Chapter5summarizes the achievements of this research,insufficiency, the direction of next step and prospects for futuredevelopment. |