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Research And Implementation Of CAN Bus And Ethernet Communication Based On ARM7Embedded System

Posted on:2013-08-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330371499604Subject:Computer technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The fieldbus technology makes industrial equipment instrument no longer an independent information island. Through the bus technology, they can share between each other hardware and software, which is a significant breakthrough of the networking of site equipment, but the field bus failed to achieve border-crossing control network. With the development of computer, control, communication, network and some other information technology, it is necessary to set up a network platform of all levels enterprise control layer to the layer from the industrial field devices and glayer to realize an integrated management of industrial enterprise. Ethernet with its convenient access to remote system, sharing/visit databases and many other advantages is eventually connected by many fieldbus system to share resources and to efficiently perform complex control task. It not only ensures the mutual communication between transverse equipment, but also provides a channel for longitudinal data information transmission. Industrial equipment connected to the Internet makes the distance and extent of remote monitoring, collaborative working further and broader.This paper analyzes the data transmission technology of can bus network and Ethernet communication protocol.using high-performance embedded LPC2400arm processor as the core of the hardware development platform realized the can bus network data transmission and TCP communication design and implementation, and on this basis to further realize the mutual conversion between can bus agreement and Ethernet protocol, making an easy access of can bus network to Ethernet. Specific is described below:1. CAN bus network data transmissionIt introduces in detail the design scheme of the communication system of can controller of ARM Controller LPC2400, which realizes the initialization and sends process of can controller. In order to directly observe data sent from can controller, we use a PCI-9820the non-intelligent2channel can interface card to detect data from can bus. 2. TCP communication design and implementation of EthernetThe microprocessor based on arm kernel realized the Ethernet TCP communication. That is to transplant μC/OS-II embedded operating system and TCP/IP protocol stack of ZLG/IP protocol stack into LPC2400ARM successfully, realizing the server application based on TCP protocol.3. The mutual conversion between CAN bus agreement and Ethernet protocolOn the basis of a thorough investigation on the can bus agreement and the TCP/IP protocol stack, an interconnection gateway based on Ethernet of arm and can bus is designed, namely the can bus and Ethernet mutual conversion gateway. The correctness of design is validated through the commissioning and testing.
Keywords/Search Tags:ARM, CAN bus, Ethernet, protocol conversion
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