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On Watercolor’s Special Beauty

Posted on:2015-01-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M L LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The watercolor painting, based on "water" and "color", gives full play to the fluidity of water and the transparency of color, fundamentally manifesting its artistic features. The most important factor for a watercolor painting to create its unique artistic conception is to deal properly the relationships between water and color.As an independent kind of painting, the watercolor painting has made contact and integrated with the Chinese ink and wash painting since it was introduced into China, and has absorbed the artistic essence of the Chinese domestic paintings. When expressing color, the watercolor painting not only makes use of the splendid color of the oil painting, but observes the light, fresh and elegant style of the Chinese painting, forming its own style with Chinese characteristics.The modern watercolor painting art absorbs the relative techniques and forms of other kinds of painting. Not only can it express the fresh, wet, transparent, dynamic, and fluid effects, but also can be simple, vigorous, rough, and robust. Along with the development and richness of the painting language and the improvement of the works of artistic theory, the unique artistic features of the watercolor painting are formed. However, a higher level of study and exploration can be done on the ontology language of the watercolor painting art.
Keywords/Search Tags:Water and Color, Effect, Ontology Language, NationalCharacteristics
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