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Democratic Elections Of Villagers’ Autonomy

Posted on:2014-09-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y C HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330401475776Subject:Constitution and Administrative Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The question boils down to rural problems, a stable relationship to the country’s stability anddevelopment of the rural villagers ’autonomy is an effective means to safeguard stability in rural areas, sothe effective implementation of the villagers’ autonomy for the country’s rapid and healthy development ofgreat significance. Similarly, the villagers development of democracy in China’s political system will alsohave a significant impact. China’s thousands of years of feudal history,"subjects" culture has penetratedpeople’s minds, from "subjects" to "citizens", this irreversible transformation process will be accompaniedby throes. In democracy, the rule of law has become a universal value, constitutionalism has not just theConstitution and its related legal issues relating to a piece of paper, it is a greater need for the citizensshould have the constitutional spirit. In the historical process of China for thousands of years, the masses ofthe people are always in the position of "governance" rarely participate in the political life of the country,and often are taught to be obedient citizens ". In contemporary China, the economic status of farmers havebeen greatly improved, but embarrassing, the political status of the farmers is still low. This situation hasbecome the engine of China’s political reform elbow. Therefore, the Government has chosen this system ofvillage self-government to change the status quo. The villagers autonomous system is through a democraticelection, democratic management and democratic decision-making, democratic supervision to achieveself-management, self-service. Among them, the villagers democratic elections is the starting point and thecornerstone of the villagers’ autonomy. The success of the villagers democratically elected or not, related tothe villagers’ autonomy effectiveness. Although, since the implementation of the new Villagers’ CommitteeOrganization Act "(hereinafter referred to as the" village and Law) in2010, most of the country in villagecommittee elections were active exploration and practice. However, the village committee election isrequired on the practical operation is very high, and very close to a system in conjunction with the specificregional characteristics, made some progress, there are still many problems on the norms and practices.This article is mainly combined with the author two years, village officials worked experience workexperience, based on field research to of Henan individual rural areas, summed up in a rural area of Henan,for example, the status quo of China’s village committee elections and its problems, and on issues ofelection-depth analysis, For example: the the democratic consciousness polarization problem, mainly by democratic awareness education and training is insufficient, rural economic development imbalance;imperfections in the electoral process due to the qualification of voters voting;irrational manner of electionof village committee elections caused dystocia; unreasonable dismissal procedures; oversight mechanismsare inadequate due to bribery, malicious slander, Organic Law of Villagers can not get the implementationof the problem. For the problems put forward several suggestions to improve the villagers ’electoral system,mainly through advocacy, education to improve the level of enthusiasm of the villagers’ awareness ofdemocracy and political participation; development of the rural economy, democratic base material security;strengthen legislation, improve the electoral process reforming the electoral way, so that the grass-rootsdemocratic election procedures and way more perfect; finally establish a sound system of supervision andthe lead in establishing long-term, independent, specialized oversight bodies through grass-roots Partycommittees, at the same time, improve laws and regulations, the judicial supervision the method accordingto provisional supervision, the combination of long-term supervision mechanism, give full play to theeffectiveness of supervision by the villagers, the grass-roots government oversight, judicial oversight of thethree oversight system.The democratic election of the village committee is the core of villagers’ autonomy, to explore, for thebuilding of grassroots democracy in China as well as the stable development of the rural areas are of greattheoretical and practical significance for the improvement of village committees democratically elected.Therefore, based on the author’s personal experience of the actual experience through the analysis of thestatus of the village committee elections, from theoretical and practical perspectives Existing Problems inresponse to the village committee elections to the perfection of the system of village committee elections inChina contribute a modest force.
Keywords/Search Tags:Villagers’ autonomy, grassroots democratic, elections
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