Currently, China is experiencing intense social change and transformation. Socialstructure,cultural values, pattern of interests, lifestyle intensify social differentiation.With the beginning of succession of social status, our society faces such a challenge:how to build relatively effective avenues of social mobility to prevent the socialstratum solidifieation phenomenon showing out on the condition that the gap betweenthe rich and the poor is growing.The author argues that the inequalities of the household registration system,employment system, education; the lack of effective supervision of political powe, arethe main causes of the social stratum solidifieation phenomenon. The householdregistration system and its supporting system are the main means of socialmanagement of China all the time. But now they have become the main institutionalobstacles blocking the channels of social mobility. Political power as an core of anational political life is very important.The alienation of political power not onlyhinders the social mobility but also erodes the publicity and legitimacy of political life.The author tries to explore the solutions and the strategies of the solidifieationremission through the reformations of the household registration system, the socialsecurity system, education, political power restriction and supervision. |