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Japanese Political Culture Of The Early Postwar Reconstruction

Posted on:2014-02-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J F MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2266330425953553Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Research on political culture is a new perspective of political science research in the field. The political culture is a direct impact on people’s political behavior is relatively stable psychological processes and psychological characteristics, which we can see the value of political culture lies more the understanding of people’s political behavior in order to understand a country’s development strategy. Japan in recent years in the international community are frequent, and constantly stir up all kinds of trouble in countries, in order to cut objective criteria analysis of these phenomena to understand the study of Japanese politics and culture becomes necessary. Japan has a long history, political culture has also been the evolution has gone through different stages of history of feudal society, the Meiji Restoration, the study of Japan’s political culture is a comprehensive systems engineering, different periods of Japanese political culture and the prevailing political, economic and social development has a very complex relationship showing different characteristics, this comparison, after World War Ⅱ, the Japanese political culture because of its thoroughness and comprehensiveness and the shaping of post-war Japan, and has a unique significance and value.Before World War Ⅱ, the Japanese government used the idea of Japan’s traditional political culture in favor of militarism hastily launched the Second World War, the political culture in the war preached suffered a heavy blow due to the failure of the war, political culture urgent reconstruction. This paper attempts from the perspective of the political culture through the analysis of post-war Japan the background of the political and cultural reconstruction and post-war U.S. authorities, the Japanese government, the Japanese people tripartite political culture of different effects, the rationale clearly some major changes in the political culture. These to explore analysis that summarized formed after World War Ⅱ political and cultural characteristics, combined with the development of post-war Japan, to illustrate the shape of the reconstruction of the political culture of Japan. This article will be characterized summarized as democratization, conservative, diversified, these characteristics can be seen in the dual nature of the political culture in Japan:From the vertical perspective, not only retained the traditional political culture of the nation, but also actively absorb a modern state-of-the-art political culture; from the lateral view, while actively learn the advanced culture in World War Ⅱ, constantly absorbing the oriental culture. It is precisely because of the dual nature of the formation in the special circumstances of the post-war political culture had a great influence on the development of Japan, which has both positive and promotion side, negative obstacles. Observe the development of post-war Japan is not difficult to find their political behavior behind the development of the national strategy are greatly affected by the impact of the political culture. Therefore, this paper through the research after the Second World War the political culture of this unique period, aimed at a better understanding of Japan’s national development strategy.After World War Ⅱ to form new political culture characterized not only had a tremendous impact on the shaping of post-war Japan, and will very long period of development of Japan’s future role, so visible political and cultural impact on a country’s national strategy is subtle but lasting and far-reaching. Concerned about the political culture, to deal with a variety of complex and volatile international affairs, understand national development strategies to find the root cause of a more valuable perspective for the study of international relations:political culture through research to analyze a country development strategy.
Keywords/Search Tags:After The WorldWar Ⅱ, Japanese political culture, Reconstruction, The national development strategy
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