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Posted on:2015-01-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P ZhaoFull Text:PDF
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The army has many important ceremonies,from entering the camp gate to retire from active military ceremonies throughout the entire military career of a soldier, by every military ceremony conducted as an individual soldier ceremony participants can clearly aware of their identity characteristics and status of grade changes, accompanied by the occurrence of a huge change their thinking and behavior. In the perspective of a soldier, military ceremonies and cultural events it is both significant military experience, but also its cultural structures in the army a hint located. Military ceremony for any one soldier, the military are deep cultural awareness of its core meaning of symbols experience and collective memory, the military forces of self-identity and understanding of the cause of great significance.Army military ceremony is also a showcase of cultural symbols. As an important part of the military culture, military ceremony, a large collection of military domination of cultural symbols, rituals flow through these symbols army organic series, appeared in the specific context of the process of generating meaning and significance of symbols transmitted. Judging from the level of symbols, military symbols military ceremony for form and function of the composition provides a contextual support. Meanwhile, the formation of a ritual between the army and the army of cultural interaction in two ways, namely to strengthen the interaction with the reverse interaction. By strengthening the interaction of military ceremonies, military and cultural structure of the military culture has been further consolidated the military ceremony for the formation and maintenance of the military organization has an invaluable role. By reverse interaction, structural cracks military culture is to explore and enlarge the institutional structure of individual emotions got under catharsis and release, in this sense, the reverse military ceremonies and military interaction between the military culture reinforces the cultural fabric of the military presence state.The first part of this paper is to introduce the theory of Turner’s ceremony, the theory means herein is a method for analysis of the interpretation of the military ceremony, ritual process theory herein by Turner to the military ceremony innovative process changes linked to the cultural structure of the armed forces, explore the confrontation and conflict behavior in ceremony ceremony imbalance between participants. The second part is a typical ritual activities of six full display, as the object of study, military ritual activity reflects the typical form of ritual performances, rich symbolic significance of the exchange, with a strong army of cultural identity. The third part mainly analyzes the military ceremony of symbols from the signifier and the signified, horizontal and vertical structural analysis of the structure and process of symbolic metaphor metonymy, a comprehensive interpretation of the symbolic significance of the military ceremony generation and delivery process. The fourth part examines the interaction between the armed forces and military ceremonies between cultures, enhanced interaction with the proposed reverse interactive two forms, in reverse interaction, this article specifically on the threshold stage of the process the military ceremony conducted at the micro level study, confirms Turner ritual process theory. The fifth part from a realistic point of view, the practical value of the proposed interactions under military ceremonies and military culture, and education for military ceremonies and military culture has an important positive significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Military Ceremony, Army Culture, Ritual process, Threshold
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