The behavioral science produced in the20th century,20to30years.1949inChicago is an interdisciplinary scientific meeting, people discussed the possibility ofuse of existing scientific knowledge, to develop a general theory of human behavior,scientists discussion at this meeting that this possibility is there. When the discussionis named for this multi-disciplinary, some people advocate the use of the name of"social science", but the fear will cause some people say these two terms "socialscience" and "socialism" of Lenovo together, so do not "social science", and decidedto adopt the name of the "behavioral sciences".Behavioral science theory of the evolution of the process: from the developmentof the study of individual behavior to group behavior, and then evolved into the studyof leadership behavior. Individual behavior research experience social people assumethat self-fulfilling people assumptions and complex assumes three stages. The socialassumptions theory: Mayo’s human relations theory and social assumptions, Vroom’sexpectancy theory, Herzberg’s two-factor theory, McClelland’s achievement requirestheory and Porter and Lawler comprehensive incentive model; self-realization assumeon behalf of human Maslow hierarchy of needs theory, Alderfer survival relations anddevelopment theory and McGregor’s theory X-Y theory; the Sha Yinti a complexhypothesis. Winer group dynamics is the study of group behavior; leader behaviorresearch, including the quality of the leader and leader behavior research.For the study of human behavior, behavioral science management scientists developeda different incentive, individual motivation, organizational motivation and leadershippatterns correspond to individual behavior, group behavior and leadership,organization, its purpose is to make through incentives to achieve higher efficiency.Process of evolution through the study of behavioral science theory, the managementof Chinese enterprises, especially human resources management has great practicalguidance and reference. |